IceTest Version information

Questions about IceTest? Contact Marko Mazeland at

Current version

The current update version of IceTest is 1.1.820. This version is only available as an update to version 1.1.725. This version includes: 

  • Changes in the Sport Rules and Regulations 2020 regarding (non-)rounding of scores in finals
  • Options to register Chief Judge, Responsible Judge and Equipment Check Judges at WorldRanking events and to report them automatically to the FEIF WorldRanking and FEIF Office
To use this update, a full installation of IceTest 1.1.725 is required.

Previous updates 

IceTest is 1.1.800: 

  • Changes in Sport Rules and Regulations 2018 regarding Pace Test PP2. The number of heats is reduced to 2, and the marks for time are not doubled
  • An easier way to print separate result lists in preliminary rounds with different (age) classes 
  • A bug in the printing routines for events without (age)classes has been resolved

IceTest is 1.1.780:

  • Improved output for website and video wall
  • Changes in the Sport Rules and Regulations 2017 regarding Pace Test PP1. Participants receiving a 0  from three judges in the first run of PP1 are no longer disqualified; they are allowed a second run
  • Introduction of C-Finals for oval track classes (position 11-15). This a per test option
  • Alert for horses below 7 years old in start lists (as they have less start options per day)
  • Re-introduction of random sort of the starting order per test without using IceSort, to avoid problems with Left and Right hand groups and group sizes and to comply with current Sport Rules and Regulations
  • Improved handling of removal of participants from tests or the whole event (bug fixes)

To use this version, a full installation of IceTest 1.1.725 is required.

    The previous full version of IceTest is 1.1.725. This version is required for updates published afterwards.

    • The complete setup  will install the latest stable versions of the following applications and databases:
    • IceTest (icetest.exe, iceform.exe)
    • FEIF Sport Rules and Regulations (fipo.mdb)
    • Translations (languages.mdb)
    • IceSort (icesort.exe)
    • IceMail (icemail.exe)
    • FIPOTimer (fipotimer.exe)
    • IPZV Office (et-ms.exe)
    • FEIFConnector (feifconnector.exe)
    • This version includes the following changes (apart from minor changes and corrections):
    • Fixed a bug introduced in IceTest 1.1.724 which prevented the participants’ tab in Options from showing.
    • Use of IceSort is now optional and can be switched on and off in settings.
    • Improved support for FEIFConnector.
    • Participants can now choose not to take part in the next heat(s) in pace races. They will be excluded from starting lists. Don’t forget to include them again in the heats they want to start
    • The ranking of participants with equal fastest times in pace races is now correctly shown both in IceTest and in the local website IceTest is maintaining
    • The numbering of starting groups in group tests (oval track) and races has been improved
    • It is now possible to move from one field to the next using the TAB key while entering marks or times
    • The report IceTest produces for WorldRanking events has been extended with a list of days judges have been judging (to comply with the new way the licenses for International Sport Judges are extended)
    • The local website IceTest does maintain with results of tests and per participant has been improved:
      • all output is now without any lay out instructions, so local webmasters can adapt the site, adapting the template and css file IceTest generates only once at the start of a new event
      • start lists are now included per test
      • results per participant include a link to their overview of results in (other) WorldRanking events and their personal ranking (internet connection required)
      • IceTest is now able to forward any marks entered directly to the new public website  FEIFMARKS.COM (using FEIFConnector.exe), giving access to marks of all other events taking place and using IceTest (internet connection required)
      • FEIFConnector 0.9:
      • A new tool for automatic transfer of results to the internet.
      • FEIFConnector will be started by IceTest automatically. If an internet connection is available, it will transmit results and start lists to where they will be instantly available to the general public. Automatic data transfer can be disabled if not desired.
      • IPZV Office 2.4.10:
      • Several minor fixes and improvements.
      • IceSort 1.0.62:
      • Fixed a bug introduced in IceSort 1.0.62 which prevented printing of start lists.
      • Several minor fixes and improvements.
      • To join the development team of IceHorseTools, please point your browser to
        For a detailled changelog, see
      • Click here to download the current version.

      Previous changes

      • Technical changes with regards to new Windows versions (Vista, Windows 7)
      • A correction in the printed overview of results in case of tie breaks
      • A correction in start lists
      • Option to check the names of riders and horses for WorldRanking events (internet connection required)
      • Calculation of the ranking in PP1 has been changed according to change in FIPO 2010
      • A  new export to MS Excel has been added to the menu Tools – Output , providing relevant data for judges after a test
      • The number of judges in oval track classes is changable between preliminary rounds and finals
      • The number of judges can be corrected after the start of a test
      • Calculations of team or club combinations according to the new team combination rules for World Championships (per test the results of a definable number or participants per team or club count for the team or club combination).
      • FEIFId of horses is included in the result lists again
      • Problem with withdrawn riders solved
      • Improved presentation of sponsors of tests in result lists
      • Improved check of proper spelling or names of riders in FEIF WorldRanking (Internet connection required)
      • Option to judge finals with more judges then preliminary rounds
      • Several forms in rtf format have been added, including forms for veterinary checks (oral wounds); forms can be printed from Files-Print-Forms (requires FIPORULES of 31-May-2008 or later)
      • Resolved a bug in the calculation of the combination winners
      • Resolved a possible problem when creating a new event
      • Extended features for exporting data to MS Excel
      • Resolved problems for new (Scandinavian) users installing IceTest for the first time
      • Forms in rtf format can be designed (Tools-Forms-Add new/edit/delete form). As an example a stable sign is included
      • Forms can be printed for all participants (like signs for stable doors) or selected participants (File-Print-Forms). Printing page by page or multiple forms on one page