FEIF Award

The FEIF Award is awarded by the Board of FEIF to persons for their outstanding contribution to the work of FEIF, the Icelandic Horse and the Icelandic Horse community in general.

In 2024, the FEIF Award was presented to Silke Feuchthofen for her work as FEIF Director of Education and as a member of the FEIF Board of Directors. 


Anne Levander

For all the efforts and passionate contribution to the development of the Youth department in FEIF – starting as participant in YouthCamp and YouthCup as a rider, later as team leader, Youth Leader in Sweden and Director of Youth in FEIF from 2005 – 2014.

Bruno Podlech

For his great services for the Icelandic horse.

Claus Becker

For his dedication – together with Ullu Becker – to the Icelandic horse and inspiration and support for the Icelandic horse community.

Doug Smith

For his contribution to the Icelandic horse world as FEIF Director of Sport, and as a very active member of the Board, as competition leader of World Championships 2019, for chairing various FEIF committees and for managing several projects for FEIF.

Einar Ragnarsson
A passionate horseman, very active in judging and guiding and training other judges. Worked tireless to improve the guidelines – and the sport – over the years. Been Chief or Deputy Judge at many World Championships – we have lost count.
Eva-Maria Schuldt

For her long-standing dedication to FEIF Youth Work and to acknowledge the fact that without Eva-Maria FEIF wouldn’t have the FEIF YouthCup, the FEIF Youth Camp, sport tests for young riders (now included also available for adult and senior riders) and the special position of Young Riders at World Championships.

Ewald Isenbügel

As one of the founders of FEIF and as the first President of FEIF from 1969-1984 and his outstanding contribution to the work of FEIF – and the Icelandic horse community in general.

Fi Pugh

For being one of the backbones in the Board of FEIF from 1991-2006 and for translating texts from many different languages into English and thus help to make English the FEIF language. And for her ongoing contributions to the Icelandic horse community.

Fredy (Pini) Lehr

For his ongoing support for FEIF and the Icelandic horse world, in his words: together we are FEIF.

Friðþjófur Þorkelsson

For his enthousiasm in introducing the Icelandic horse in Europe from the beginning of FEIF and his work on the color of the Icelandic horse and the large collection of pictures he took and used in various publications.

Göran Häggberg

For his continous commitment to the Icelandic horse ever since FEIF was founded.

Gunnar Jonsson

For his unique effort – together with Marit Jonsson – for the Icelandic horse over nearly 50 years.

Gunnar Sturluson

For his work as FEIF President and as a member of the FEIF Board of Directors until February 2023, during which he steered FEIF and the Icelandic equine community with a calm head and in a harmonious manner. His even tone and reconciliatory manner were particularly important during difficult times of the Covid pandemic.

Hannes Kirchmayr

For his great efforts and success in developing the Education department and for initiating the FEIF Education matrix during his period on the Board of FEIF for 10 years.

Ian Pugh

For his work in the Board of FEIF in the Education department and his contribution to IHSGB as Chairman.

Jens Iversen

For his passionate and long standing contribution to the work within FEIF as a member of the Sport Committee 1999-2007, treasurer 2003 and as the President of FEIF from 2006 to 2014 where he has served as a true leader implementing changes and new projects such as the TaskForce work.

Jens Otto Veje

For his crucial role in combining the registration of all Icelandic horses around the world in WorldFengur and creating a basic set of breeding rules for world wide use: FIZO.

Jón Albert Sigurbjörnsson

For his ongoing support for FEIF and the Icelandic horse world.

Jón Baldur Lorange

For his outstanding work as project manager of WorldFengur, being the mastermind behind this extensive and unique database that has become an essential tool for breeders, breeding associations and all friends of the Icelandic horse.

Marit Jonsson

For her unique effort – together with Gunnar Johsson – for the Icelandic horse over nearly 50 years and for her tireless work as FEIF president from 1988-1994.

Marko Mazeland

For an extraordinary passionate and diligent contribution to FEIF as member of the Sport Committee in the period 1994 – 1999 and Director of Sport from 1999 – 2014, and the development of IceTest, the World Ranking and the IT system for FEIF, and being responsible for several World Championships as Director of Sport, representation of FEIF in European Horse Network, and responsible for several judges and sport seminars.

Marlise Grimm

For her endless work and constructive ideas as Director of Breeding and member of the Board of FEIF for 8 years and for her contributions to the Icelandic horse world in her functions as sport judge, breeding judge, trainer and especially role model in many areas.

Sigurbjörn Bárðarson

For being an outstanding example of a rider who has been showing good and harmonious riding for many years.

Sigurður Sæmundsson

For his contribution to sport, also being a member of the FEIF Sport Committee for more than 25 years.

Silke Feuchthofen

For all her activities within several areas of FEIF – as International sport and breeding judge, as a member of the FEIF Education Committee and the FEIF Equipment Committee for many years and as a member of the Board of FEIF as FEIF Director of Education from 2014 to 2024.  

Susanne Fröhlich

For countless hours managing FEIF’s virtual, international office starting in 2003; leading the FEIF Office at many World Championships; and spearheading projects — large and small — on behalf of the international Icelandic horse community.

Tone Kolnes

For her long-standing and dedicated contribution to the work within FEIF as a member of the Sport Committee 1987-1990, as FEIF Sport leader 1990-1999, as member of the arbitration council and committee since 1988 and above all as FEIF president 1999-2006 where she implemented the agreement with WorldFengur, initiated many activities, which today are an integral part of the FEIF calendar, and implemented the FEIF Conference.

Þorgeir Guðlaugsson

For the contribution to FEIF – starting in 1988 as PR manager for FEIF, later on member of the board. For years active as international FEIF-judge, and in the forefront of the work for sport judging and the development of new guidelines. Also for his contribution on collection of data on the history of the Icelandic horse and the publication thereof on Facebook.

Þorvaldur Árnason

For his great contribution to the breeding of the Icelandic horse all over the world. He has been one of the leading scientists for many decades in the field of horse breeding and has added greatly to the knowledge about the Icelandic horse and been tireless in promoting this knowledge for the benefit of all.

Ullu Becker

For her dedication – together with Claus Becker – to the Icelandic horse and inspiration and support for the Icelandic horse community.

Wolfgang Berg

For his contribution to the Icelandic horse world in the Board of FEIF and as a member of the board and chairman of IPZV for several years. Also for being responsible for the organization of the World Championship in Rieden, Germany 1999, where these World Championships made new standards within FEIF.