A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

The making and the maintenance of the sport judges’ guidelines is one of the designated tasks of the FEIF Sport Judges Committee. As our sport is constantly developing the guidelines needs to b e adjusted regularly. Once in a while, when the many adjustments...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

New Instructor & Trainer Matrix

The revised FEIF Instructor & Trainer Matrix, launched by the FEIF Education Committee, now also includes the list of skills it takes to become a young-horse trainer. Every instructor or trainer at level 1-3 who has gained a qualification in one of the FEIF...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Sport Meeting 2013

The annual meeting for Sport discussed a long list of items. One of the main items is an experiment that will take place in 2013 in Tölt T3, where the judges will only judge one side of the oval track in the second section and the riders will be asked by the speaker...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Leisure Riding Meeting 2013

At the annual meeting of Leisure Riding it was agreed that the mission will be to facilitate the creation of an open including environment within FEIF for Leisure Riding. The preferred horse for Leisure Riding is defined as a well trained horse, which is mentally and...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2013

In the annual meeting for national Chairpersons the proposal for the acceptance of Ethical standards was discussed further after the presentation in the DA. Participants were generally in favour of the proposal, but many good comments were raised and the need to...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Delegates’ Assembly 2013

Delegates and guests from 11 FEIF member countries participated in the Delegates’ Assembly 2013, February 8th 2013 in Strasbourg. All FEIF Board members who were for re-election as well as Doug Smith, US, as a new Board member were (re-)elected for a period of...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Education Meeting 2013

The national Education leaders and participating guests had a stimulating and productive annual meeting in Strasbourg, and we would warmly welcome all the new faces! Excellent things are happening all over the place. Again, the presence of a number of new...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Youth Meeting 2013

More participants than ever attended the annual Youth meeting where a lot of good ideas and best practice were shared between the countries. Norway reported about the coming FYCamp 2013 – see a separate news item. The important role of the leaders on the FYCup...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Annual Breeding Meeting 2013

In a very constructive and positive atmosphere the annual Breeding meeting went through a very long agenda. Basis line in this was to proceed step by step on the way to better standardization and more professionalism in holding FEIF breeding horse assessments. It was...
A roadtrip to new sport judges’ guidelines

Changes in FIPO 2013

The Delegates’ Assembly 2013 decided upon 2 changes in FIPO, to be valid as of April 1, 2013. To follow the same line in finals in Tölt classes and in gaited classes it is decided to change FIPO in such way, that the sequence of gaits in finals in four gait and...