The national Education leaders and participating guests had a stimulating and productive annual meeting in Strasbourg, and we would warmly welcome all the new faces! Excellent things are happening all over the place. Again, the presence of a number of new representatives illustrated the importance of meeting colleges from different countries, and the opportunity this offers for sharing ideas, innovation and good practice. Later this spring, we will hear the outcome of a Leonardo application for funding from Europe, which is lead by Iceland in collaboration with Norway and Sweden. The money will facilitate the translation Icelandic teaching materials into several languages, including English, and the publication of textbooks and an Icelandic riders’ badge system.
Another highlight was the launch of the ‘young-horse trainer matrix’, the last missing section of the Instructor & Trainer Matrix. The full document will be available for download shortly.
And finally the preparations for the next FEIF Education Seminar are underway. The seminar is hosted by Sweden and will take place 7-9th September, near Stockholm. Invitations will be sent out soon later this month.
Annual Education Meeting 2013