by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 28, 2023 | Breeding, General, Sport
The description of the permitted equipment is now published in its final version for 2023. Certain measurements for the Icelandic curb bit have been removed after intense discussions and measuring lots of standard bits during the last weeks. The FEIF equipment...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 28, 2023 | Leisure Riding
For the photo competition 2023 we already received some great photos on the topic “Practise Makes Perfect”. However, we are sure you have some further ideas how to interpret the theme – so use the opportunity and send your photos until April 1, 2023...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 27, 2023 | World Championships
17 FEIF member associations plan to send a team to the World Championships 2023 – August 8-13, 2023! We are looking forward to see riders and horses from:Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Italy,...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 26, 2023 | General
Animal welfare organisations, business people and tourism experts call for an end to Iceland’s blood farms. In a new documentary, following the film from 2021, the Germany’s Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) and Tierschutzbund Zürich (TSB), business, tourism, breeding...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 21, 2023 | General
There are currently strange emails sent out to many FEIF contacts asking for money or for help.Please do not click on any links, do not answer or forward them but categorize them as spam emails or deleted them. The email addresses are fake...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 16, 2023 | Breeding
A lot of knowledge can be found in the Studbook of Origin of the Icelandic Horse ( e.g. information on individual horses, pedigree, assessment on conformation and rideability at Breeding Field Tests (BFT). Genetic evaluation (BLUP values), that...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 16, 2023 | Breeding, Sport
We are happy to inform that in total six candidates passed either of the exams to become International Sport Judges or International Breeding Judges and they are from this year on actively judging breeding shows and sport competitions! CONGRATULATIONS! New...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 13, 2023 | World Championships
Good news! The applications for the press accreditation is open! In the run up as well as during the World Championships we welcome journalists from all countries. In order to report on the WC2023 from the grounds of the World Championships, you must be accredited as...
by Susi Fröhlich | Mar 8, 2023 | General
The Delegates’ Assembly 2023 unanimously decided to set a positive sign regarding FEIF’s commitment to horse welfare and the fact that horses should be ridden and presented with as little mechanical and external influence as possible and thus to switch to a list of...
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