New documentary calling for an end to Iceland’s blood farms

March 26 2023 | General

Animal welfare organisations, business people and tourism experts call for an end to Iceland’s blood farms. 

In a new documentary, following the film from 2021, the Germany’s Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) and Tierschutzbund Zürich (TSB), business, tourism, breeding and research experts criticise the extraction and use of the blood hormone PMSG.

The new film, Iceland – the hidden blood business, looks at the latest developments in the blood business since the first film was made in 2021. Gunnar Sturluson, former president of FEIF, repeats FEIF’s position for a ban on PMSG production. 

FEIF condems the practices and the mistreatment of mares on blood farms and supports the approach of the animal welfare associations to stop the import and domestic production of PMSG and support any action taken by the Icelandic authorities and welfare organisations to stop this procedure in Iceland completely.