Out to Oirschot – totals for January 2017

Out to Oirschot – totals for January 2017

The FEIF virtual ride ‘Out to Oirschot’ continues to gather momentum. In spite of all the ‘weather’ riders covered over 2000km in January. For our southern friends it is of course the end of summer that is in sight. For all the latest results...
FEIF YouthCamp 2017

FEIF YouthCamp 2017

The invitation for the 2017 FEIF Youth Camp is now available for download. This year’s camp will be hosted by Belgium and takes place from 11-18 July, 2017. When in Belgium, do as the Belgians do – amongst the highlights of the camp will be some close...
Riding Horse Profiles

Riding Horse Profiles

The Riding Horse Profile has been developed as a tool to get a neutral, professional assessment of the characteristics of a riding horse. The purpose is to secure that there is the best possible match between horse and rider – in particular in a situation, where...
Youth reports 2016 now online

Youth reports 2016 now online

The award FEIF Youth Country of the Year 2016 was given to France. The prize is represented not only by a trophy but it includes one additional place at the FEIF Youth Camp 2017 which will be hosted by Belgium. You can read up on the activities upon which France...
Annual Sport Meeting 2017

Annual Sport Meeting 2017

The Sport Leaders and Sport Committee met for two days in Helsinki to consider a long agenda of proposals from the Committee and member associations. Coen Buijsse, Organizer World Championships 2017, presented an updated on the status of preparations for August. (All...
Annual Breeding Meeting 2017

Annual Breeding Meeting 2017

The annual breeding meeting agreed on preparing a proposal for a clear definition of the guidelines for conflicts of interest at breeding shows and smaller changes in our breeding rules for 2018. During the next months the breeding committee will start with a revision...
Annual YouthWork Meeting 2017

Annual YouthWork Meeting 2017

The FEIF YouthWork committee welcomed delegates representing 10 member countries. The discussions included a review of the 2016 FEIF Youth Cup hosted by NL and the changes we will introduce for the next Cup, 2018 in Sweden. Most significantly it was decided – as...
Annual Education Meeting 2017

Annual Education Meeting 2017

The education department had a successful meeting with very positive discussions, intensive exchange of information and results concerning educational topics of the representative participants. Herdis Reynisdottir, IS and Margrit Rusterholz, CH did not stand for...
Delegates’ Assembly 2017

Delegates’ Assembly 2017

The FEIF Conference 2017 took for the first time place in Helsinki, Finland and was organized with the great help of the Finnish Icelandic Horse Association. As every year, the FEIF Conference started with the Annual Delegates’ Assembly, the highest authority...
Annual Breeding Meeting 2017

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2017

The participants of the chairperson meeting provided updates about the latest developments and activities in their countries. As major topics of the meeting the activities of private organisers and actors, the challenge to involve volunteers in the activities in the...