WorldRanking: Villingurstevnet in Fossanmoen islandshestsenter (NO) cancelled

WorldFengur work shop 2013

The WorldFengur work shop 2013 will take place in Malmö, October 25 to 27 and is open for the WF registrars of all FEIF member associations. It will take place at the same time and same Location as the FEIF committee meetings. The aim of the work shop is to improve...
WorldRanking: Villingurstevnet in Fossanmoen islandshestsenter (NO) cancelled

FEIF Education Seminar, 6-8 Sep 2013 in Uppsala

The organisers of the FEIF Education Seminar, 6-8 Sep 2013 in Uppsala, Sweden are happy to confirm that there is a strong interest for the event, and that a good number of qualified instructors and sport judges have already registered. As of 15th of May, the event is...
WorldRanking: Villingurstevnet in Fossanmoen islandshestsenter (NO) cancelled

EHN Newsletter May 2013

EHN, the European Horse Network, has published its May 2013 newsletter. The newsletter contains information about activities in the European horse world (including Icelandic horses) and about contacts between EHN and members of the European Parliament. Current topics...