Walter Feldmann senior passed away

First FEIF Conference

More than 100 participants have registered for the First FEIF Conference, February 11-13, 2005 in Copenhagen (DK). The annual meetings for the FEIF departments and the Chairmen’s meeting are a part of the conference.FEIF did invite all board members of its...
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

First Edition of General Rulebook (FIRO) available

The first edition of the new General Rulebook of FEIF is available now in English and German. FIRO contains rules and other information that does not belong to specific departments, like veterinary rules, rules about doping, disciplinary measures and arbitration....
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

FEIF Sport Judges Educational Video

The third educational video for sport judges is available now, both on DVD and VHS. The material for this video has been selected from World Championships, Landsmót and other major events. This video focuses on the Sport Judges Guidelines. Per gait, different examples...
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

To all youngsters between 12 and 18 years!

If you haven`t planned your holiday 2005 yet, you may reserve some time (and money) to go to Iceland next summer.The next FEIF Youth Camp will be in Iceland, country of fire and ice and home of the Icelandic horse! Date: 15th to 21rst July.50 to 60 youngsters from 18...
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

FIPO 2005 available

The new edition of FIPO, valid as of January 1, 2005, is available for download from the service section of the FEIF Website: This version contains major changes regarding bits, bridles, shoes and protective equipment. The chapters about...
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

Prohibited equipment

As of January 1, 2005, the Sport Committee maintains a list of prohibited equipment. This list is prescribed in FIPO 2.3.9 and FIPO According to the new FIPO rules more equipment is allowed then ever. The aim of this list is to avoid excesses or wrong...
Walter Feldmann senior passed away

Invitations to Annual Meetings

The invitations to the Annual Meetings of the different departments have been sent out. For the first time, the meetings will take place at the same place in the same weekend: February 11-13, 2005 in Copenhagen (DK). The meetings are part of the newly established FEIF...