by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 28, 2020 | Conference, General, Uncategorized
Due to the current situation caused by Covid-19, FEIF decided in agreement with all member countries with voting rights to organize the Delegates’ Assembly 2021 as virtual meeting on February 13, 2021 and to move the annual meetings of all departments to a later date...
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 28, 2020 | Youth Work
The Young Leaders’ seminar to be held in Vienna, and scheduled for January 2021, will be postponed until the following winter. Moving the event to an online platform was briefly considered, but all concerned felt strongly that the essence of a leadership seminar is...
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 23, 2020 | General, Leisure Riding
The day started the best possible way, laughter from the tents surrounding you, beautiful weather and knowing that you will go horse back riding all day. Hlynur, the local club provided cowboy breakfast, eggs, bacon and beans, and lunch packed loafs of bread with...
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 22, 2020 | General, Leisure Riding
The “Fjellfestival med islandshest”, or Mountain festival with Icelandic horses in Norway has started! It is the third year of the festival and was originally planned as a FEIF event this year. Sadly we had to cancel the international part due to Covid-19....
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 17, 2020 | General, Leisure Riding
The virtual ride to the site of the next World Championships got off to a very good start last Monday: within one weeks, we have so far 65 complete registrations, riders from 13 member countries, the shortest distance from the home of one rider is just 162 km, whereas...
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 10, 2020 | General, Leisure Riding
Sunday was the first day of the 9th virtual ride. The aim is for everyone to make it to Herning in time for the World Championships 1-8th August 2021. The ride got off to an amazing start. By close of day 36 riders had registered, and hopefully counted their first km...
by Susi Fröhlich | Aug 6, 2020 | General, Leisure Riding, Youth Work
FEIF has invited all young people up to age 18 to participate in this year’s FEIF Video Competition. This team event is run in two parts: first at a national level, and after these videos have been judged, each member association can forward up to 5 videos to the...
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