by admin | Oct 29, 2019 | WorldRanking
The WorldRanking season 2019 ended in late October 2019 with the WorldRanking event in Wortel, Belgium. 12 countries registered results of 90 events fulfilling the requirements set for these events. 10,817 valid marks and times were registered from more than 2,712...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Sport
The combined meeting of the sport committee and the sport judge committee had a long agenda with a broad variety of topics. In one and a half day a lot of different topics passed. The participants talked among others about improving equipment checks, execution of...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Breeding
The breeding committee and the breeding judges committee used the opportunity of this work meeting to prepare the proposals for the Delegates’ Assembly 2020 and the Annual Meetings 2020 that will take part in Iceland in 2020. The details on the revision of the...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Youth Work
The question of how to strengthen the flow of communication between the FEIF Youth work committee and the people we want to serve work turned out to be central for all discussions we had during two days of intensive meetings in Haarlem. Communication seems to be at...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Education
The education committee members present at the committee meetings used the first afternoon to work on the ‘Trainer of the Year 2019’ invitation, the members of the committee revised the current riding horse profile and worked on the planned translations to...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | General
The 2019 October meetings took place in Haarlem (Netherlands), where the members of all FEIF committees (breeding, education, leisure riding, sport and youth work) met to discuss and prepare proposals, changes and events for the current and next FEIF year. In addition...
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | Leisure Riding
The leisure riding committee used the opportunity of meeting in Haarlem in the Netherlands this year to work on the preparations and planning of the FEIF Leisure Riders Camp which will take place as part of the Fjellfestival in Norway from August 19 – 24, 2020....
by admin | Oct 22, 2019 | EHN
The European Horse Network had the first meeting in Brussels with the newly started horse group and a special guest, the president elect of the European Commission, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. Her speech concentrated on connecting horses to a sustainable future and as...
by admin | Oct 21, 2019 | Education, Sport
SAVE-THE-DATE for the seminar open for FEIF International Sport Judges and Trainers during the last weekend of March 2020 in Reykjavík. The programme will include presentations, lectures, demonstrations and masterclasses. A highlight will be the Grand Show of Fákur on...
by admin | Oct 4, 2019 | Youth Work
Along with their country leaders, 32 young horse lovers aged between 13 and 17 years from 11 different European countries, plus New Zealand (!), participated in the 2019 FEIF YouthCamp in Hestheimar. On foot, on horseback and by bus, they explored the beautiful...
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