News from Uncategorized

Horse Welfare

Horse Welfare

Describe here some key points about the postFEIF aims to ensure horse welfare and harmonious riding in everything we doPhoto: G.M.SharmanFEIF has taken the welfare of Icelandic horses very seriously for many years. We aim to lead developments and discussions on...

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Uniting people

Uniting people

Describe here some key points about the postFEIF aims to maintain a culture of respect, inclusiveness and diversityUniting people As in most loosely structured organisations, communication is difficult to manage, and working with 24 national organisations, speaking 15...

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The Icelandic horse

The Icelandic horse

Describe here some key points about the postFEIF aims to set the highest standards for breeding and riding pure Icelandic horsesThe Icelandic horse The Icelandic horse is a descendent of horses that were brought to Iceland during the settlement in the period of...

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What is FEIF?

What is FEIF?

FEIF unites people in their passion for the Icelandic horse!The aims of FEIF are: to promote the Icelandic horse, a positive riding culture, and international co-operation to ensure horse welfare and harmonious riding in everything we do to set the highest standards...

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Editorial corrections R&R

Editorial corrections R&R

Based on decisions of the Delegates' Assembly 2021, several corrections and adaptations have been made in the Rules and Regulations, valid by April 1, 2021. None of the following corrections constitutes a change and they are correct in the minutes of the DA 2021, but...

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Delegates’ Assembly 2021

Delegates’ Assembly 2021

Due to the current situation caused by Covid-19, FEIF decided in agreement with all member countries with voting rights to organize the Delegates’ Assembly 2021 as virtual meeting on February 13, 2021 and to move the annual meetings of all departments to a later date...

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