What is FEIF?

FEIF unites people in their passion for the Icelandic horse!

The aims of FEIF are:

  • to promote the Icelandic horse, a positive riding culture, and international co-operation
  • to ensure horse welfare and harmonious riding in everything we do
  • to set the highest standards for breeding pure Icelandic horses
  • be guided by reserach and evidence-based learning
  • to maintain a culture of respect, inclusiveness and diversity
  • to be flexible and forward-thinking in an ever-changing world

Photo by Neddens Tierfoto

FEIF is the International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations, representing 24 national Icelandic Horse Associations worldwide, and counting almost 70.000 members. FEIF holds the Icelandic horse world together across the globe, while endeavouring to work within different cultures, politics and languages. What does that entail?

  • in Sport and Breeding: to ensure there is only one set of standrs/rules
  • in Education: to see that all FEIF trainers and instructors have a comparable skill set, regardless of where they trained
  • in Leisure Riding: to create a sense of common identity and community, regardless of whether you are crossing the Rocky Mountains, or riding along the North Sea
  • in Youth Work: to strengthen what we all share, the love for the horse – particularly for young people

What’s in the name?

In 1969, a group of Icelandic horse enthusiasts started FEIF in Germany. The name they gave the organisation was a statement of what they were – friends of the Icelandic Horse: Föderation Europäischer Islandpferde Freunde (FEIF).

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