News from Chairpersons

Meet the new FEIF President – Gundula Sharman

Meet the new FEIF President – Gundula Sharman

What motivates you to take on this job? The underlying motivation of everything I do, and have done, within FEIF can be described by the twin aims of creating a sense of community, and of fostering well-being, for horses and people alike. It was I, who invented the...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting 2019

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2019

Topics in the chairperson meeting 2019 ranged from the latest information from the member association activities, the World Championships 2019 and 2021, the FEIF questionnaire feedback to the planned activities for the FEIF@50 celebrations. Several proposals were...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting 2018

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2018

Participants from nine FEIF member countries participated in the Annual Chairperson meeting at the FEIF Conference 2018 and provided updates on the latest developments and activities in their countries. Volunteers - how to motivate, how to include and how to honour...

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Annual Breeding Meeting 2017

Annual Breeding Meeting 2017

The annual breeding meeting agreed on preparing a proposal for a clear definition of the guidelines for conflicts of interest at breeding shows and smaller changes in our breeding rules for 2018. During the next months the breeding committee will start with a revision...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting 2017

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2017

The participants of the chairperson meeting provided updates about the latest developments and activities in their countries. As major topics of the meeting the activities of private organisers and actors, the challenge to involve volunteers in the activities in the...

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FEIF Report 2016

FEIF Report 2016

In the past year FEIF has been working on different matters, cases and projects. The board and the World Championship committee has had several meetings with the WC organiser for WC in Berlin 2019 and, work on the invitation to WC 2017 in the Netherlands. Extensive...

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Chairperson Meeting 2016

Chairperson Meeting 2016

The chairpersons had a very good and productive meeting with intensive discussions on the finances of FEIF, the voting structure and the consequences for the member countries. The meeting agreed unanimously on a proposal to increase the fees by 15% that will be...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting 2014

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2014

The Chairpersons had a productive meeting during the FEIF Conference 2014 weekend in Reykjavík. The participants discussed the outcome of the SWOT-analyses from the member countries and from FEIF. Both, the outcome and answers from the member associations and from the...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting 2013

Annual Chairperson Meeting 2013

In the annual meeting for national Chairpersons the proposal for the acceptance of Ethical standards was discussed further after the presentation in the DA. Participants were generally in favour of the proposal, but many good comments were raised and the need to...

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Annual Chairperson Meeting

Annual Chairperson Meeting

At the annual chairperson meeting various presentations were given which all for download from the FEIF website. These presentations concerned the newly founded department of leisure riding but also the process of integrating the FEIF logo into the member logs and the...

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Chairmen Meeting 2011

Chairmen Meeting 2011

The chairmen present gave a presentation about the internal status in their organisation and a status of actions taken in the member countries in order to support the welfare of the horse The FEIF Board has been in contact over the past two years with the Minister of...

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FEIF Annual Chairmen’s Meeting 2010

FEIF Annual Chairmen’s Meeting 2010

11 countries were represented at the chairmen's meeting, and reports were given and experiences exchanged between the representatives. Based upon proposals from the board of FEIF and the chairmen the following was decided: The chairmen recommended that FEIF starts a...

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FEIF Chairmens’ Meeting at WC

FEIF Chairmens’ Meeting at WC

Chairmen from the FEIF member national associations gathered for an informal lunch on Saturday during the World Championships. Most FEIF countries were represented, and FEIF President welcomed the chairmen, explaining that the aim was to create opportunities to...

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FEIF working group calls for new ideas

FEIF working group calls for new ideas

The FEIF working group, set up after Conference 2008, to look at what FEIF can do for member countries has given another opportunity for member association chairman to provide their ideas and any of those received from their members. The following letter has been sent...

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