Topics in the chairperson meeting 2019 ranged from the latest information from the member association activities, the World Championships 2019 and 2021, the FEIF questionnaire feedback to the planned activities for the FEIF@50 celebrations. Several proposals were discussed as scheduled on the agenda – for the summary on the topic of doping, FEIF equipment rules and the organisation of Gæðingakeppni in FEIF see the separate news item. Discussions on the changes in the turnus of the World Championships and Landsmót shall be taken up in the countries for further considerations, including the ideas from sport and breeding on this topic. Proposals on changes of the work procedures within FEIF were discussed by all participants from different points of view and the board of FEIF confirmed to consider the ideas for the internal procedures and implement them as discussed in the meeting. There is general agreement that strong focus shall be put on the future of FEIF, not only in the discussions but also in the reporting to the countries. First discussions with possible new FEIF members will be taken up during the next months.
New members volunteering and interested to join the committees and work groups are welcome any time, information on open positions will be announced in time for next year’s elections.