The chairpersons had a very good and productive meeting with intensive discussions on the finances of FEIF, the voting structure and the consequences for the member countries. The meeting agreed unanimously on a proposal to increase the fees by 15% that will be presented to the Delegates’ Assembly 2017 for final decision, applicable for 2016 and onwards.
During the discussion the participants realized that there were deviating systems in the countries how to calculate the members in the associations. There was general agreement about the necessity to make sure that a uniform system, valid for all countries, is used. The board will issue guidelines for the countries to count members that should be applied as the basis for calculation of fees and distributing of votes.
Based on the proposal of IPZV, the representatives from the departments in the countries will be invited to the committee meetings in October at the cost of their association to make the decision and information process more transparent. All chairpersons present gave a short report about the situation and developments in their countries, the Nordic Chairpersons reported about the experiences made from the World Championships 2015 and the lessons learned. There is unanimous agreement that it was a great event with positive effects on the Icelandic horse scene.
Further topics were the WC 2017 and 2019, Landsmót 2016 and the new date for Landsmót (from 2018 on it will be the second week of July!), the European Horse Network, the idea of the FEIF BreedingMót and the effects on FEIF and the member associations resulting from private persons or companies as organisers of FEIF events..
Chairperson Meeting 2016