11 countries were represented at the chairmen’s meeting, and reports were given and experiences exchanged between the representatives.
Based upon proposals from the board of FEIF and the chairmen the following was decided:
The chairmen recommended that FEIF starts a process to decide on the Delegates Assembly 2011 whether FEIF shall apply for being associate member of FEI (www.fei.org ). Further information about the process and the possibilities will be sent to the member countries latest in May 2010.
Based upon a presentation from Lone Høegholt, member of the committee for riding in the nature in Denmark, it was supported, that FEIF should internationally support and generate a process with focus on supporting the possibilities for riders for riding in the nature. Further information will be send around latest in May 2010.
A committee headed by Wolfgang Berg, the board of FEIF and chairmen from 5 countries will look into the possibilities for changing of the structure/payment of annual fee from the member countries to FEIF. The outcome of the work will be discussed during 2010 in order to eventually make a change in the annual fee.
With reference to the decision of the new statutes of FEIF at the Delegates Assembly and the final report from the Future Group, the chairmen’s meeting decided to close the work in the Statutes Group and the Future Group. The work done by the members of the group Göran Montan, Inge Kringeland, Anne Svantesson, Rikke Kromann, Jet Pels, Susie Meilby, John Freemann and Jens Iversen has been very much appreciated, and added important value to the future development of FEIF.
FEIF Annual Chairmen’s Meeting 2010