Participants from nine FEIF member countries participated in the Annual Chairperson meeting at the FEIF Conference 2018 and provided updates on the latest developments and activities in their countries. Volunteers – how to motivate, how to include and how to honour volunteer work – was the main item of discussion and was also the topic of the workshop held by Karl Fridriksson. Carsten Eckert, on behalf of the organizing team of the World Championships 2019 in Berlin, and Denni Haukson and the TiH team, joined the chairperson meeting to give short presentations and input for discussion. Further topics discussed were the countries relation to FEI and national horse sport associations, the FEIF questionnaire and the answers on topics like the future development of World Championships and new fields in FEIF, necessary changes in the statutes that need to be prepared and further discussed in 2019 – just to mention a few items.
The complete minutes will be available on the FEIF website together with the minutes of all department meetings within the next weeks.