Equipment Working Group Meeting

Equipment Working Group Meeting

The group of experts invited by the Board of FEIF to provide advice on the use of equipment throughout all of FEIF’s work had a very successful meeting in Reykjavík from June 24-25, 2014. The majority of the group’s members were able to travel from around...
Equipment Working Group Meeting

FEIF YouthCup 2014

All participants have now been registered for the FEIF YouthCup 2014 which will take place at Hólar, July 11 – 20, 2014. Details on the event can be found on the YouthCup website: For details on participants...
Equipment Working Group Meeting

FEIF YouthCup 2014 – participants

Participants from 15 FEIF member countries have registered participants for the FEIF YouthCup 2014, which will take place in Hólar, Iceland. Riders and horses – as far as known – are listed on the FEIF website.
Equipment Working Group Meeting

FEIF TaskForce Process

In 2009 the FEIF TaskForce process started with the intention to restructure and update the General Rules and the Specific Rules of the various departments – Breeding, Sport, Education, Gæðingakeppni, Youth and Leisure Riding. The process is still ongoing and at...
Equipment Working Group Meeting

Equipment Advisory Group

The Board of FEIF has sought the help of a range of professionals in the Icelandic horse community to come to a more comprehensive and well-reasoned set of regulations regarding the proper equipment to use for the training and presentation of Icelandic horses. The...