The Board of FEIF has sought the help of a range of professionals in the Icelandic horse community to come to a more comprehensive and well-reasoned set of regulations regarding the proper equipment to use for the training and presentation of Icelandic horses. The group is co-chaired by Marlise Grimm (Director of Breeding) and Doug Smith (Director of Sport). Rather than react to situations as they arise, FEIF will use the opinions of respected professionals to formulate guidelines and, where appropriate, rules for the types of bits, bridles and protective equipment used in the various stages of a horse’s and rider’s development.
The group members: Vicky Eggertson (DE), Johannes Hoyos (AT), Magnus Skulasson (SE), Mette Mannseth (IS), Rasmus Møller Jensen (DK), Sigridur Björnsdóttir (IS), Sveinn Ragnarsson (IS), Silke Feuchthofen (FEIF), Marlise Grimm (FEIF) and Doug Smith (FEIF) will have their first meeting June 24-25, 2014.