World Championships Video

World Championships Video

The newest World Championships video has been launched! Six nordic riders on their way to Herning – representing the members of the Nordic co-operation: follow the link to watch it!
World Championships Video

FEIF Ringmaster Meeting 2015 – APRIL 13-14

CORRECTED DATE!!! Experienced ringmasters and breeding judges are invited to participate in the 2nd FEIF Ringmaster Meeting in Sweden, APRIL 13-14, 2015. Please contact your national breeding leader if you are interested in the seminar. More details can be found in...
World Championships Video

Annual Leisure Riding Meeting 2015

This year’s meeting was quite well visited and it was clear, that leisure riding is becoming part of the national organization’s work in a more active way in many countries. Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland and Norway had...
World Championships Video

Einar Öder Magnusson

Einar Öder Magnusson passed away on February 16 – a great horseman, member of the FEIF Arbitration Council for many years, many times rider or (assistant) team leader at World Championships, renowned horse trainer and instructor and known for his focus on good...
World Championships Video

FEIF website

Due to major maintenance operations of the FEIF network provider the FEIF website might be out of reach in the night of February 19. We are sorry for the inconvenience!
World Championships Video

Breeding Horse Trainer Seminar 2015

The 5th seminar that will take place April 7-10, 2015 on the Icelandic horse breeding farm Skeidvellir,Hella, Iceland. The seminar addresses riders who train and present breeding horses in a professional way and who are interested in further education and training and...
World Championships Video

Annual Breeding Meeting 2015

The Annual Breeding Leader meeting discussed a wide range of topics in a very constructive and harmonious atmosphere. Þorvaldur Kristjánsson was elected as member of the breeding committee, Sussie Lund and Inge Kringeland were re-elected as breeders? representatives...
World Championships Video

Annual Education Meeting 2015

The education department has had a successful meeting with very positive, productive discussions and intensive exchange of information concerning educational topics of the representative participants. Herdis Reynisdottir, IS and Margrit Rusterholz, CH were unanimously...