Corrected version of FIPO

Corrected version of FIPO

Unfortunately article (page 18) in the recently published version of FIPO contained a reference to the no longer existing rule about measurements of bits. The sentence was overlooked during the final editing of the text. A corrected version (6.6.1/2006) has...
Corrected version of FIPO

FEIF-Trainer/Instructor matrix established

A milestone for the education work within FEIF was reached at the FEIF Conference. Delegates from 12 member associations signed the contract concerning the FEIF-education matrix: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway,...
Corrected version of FIPO

First WorldRanking Event in Slovenia

The first WorldRanking Event ever in Slovenia will take place September 23 and 24, 2006, in Krumperk near Ljubljana. It is a combination of the old Alpe-Adria Cup with the Slovene National Championships. More WorldRanking events can be found at...
Corrected version of FIPO

Future of Breeding

During the FEIF Conference 2006, Bjarni Þorkelsson (IS) delivered a remarkable speech about the future of Breeding. In his speech he touches many subjects, among them the relation between breeding goals and demands made on competition horses in sport. Bjarni finds...
Corrected version of FIPO

World Championships 2009

During the FEIF Conference 2006 the Board of FEIF could announce that no obstacles are in the way to grant the World Championships 2009 to our Swiss member association IPV CH. The World Championships 2009 will take place in Brunnadern/Neckertal, Switzerland.
Corrected version of FIPO

World Championships 2007

During the FEIF Conference 2007, the board of our Dutch member association NSIJP and the board of FEIF signed the final contract to arrange the World Championships 2007. The World Championships will take place August 6-12, 2007 in Oirschot, near Eindhoven, in the...
Corrected version of FIPO

International Gæðingakeppni Seminar in Denmark

Our Danish member association DI is inviting to an international gæðngakeppni seminar and examination, March 17-19 at Hedeland – Denmark. The seminar is approved by FEIF and LH. The seminar will be conducted in English by instructors appointed by our Icelandic...
Corrected version of FIPO

FEIF Conference 2006

About 100 persons did attend the second FEIF Conference, Februari 10-12, 2005. Representants of 14 countries did discuss various items: Breeding and WorldFengur, World Championships in the future and the Education matrix. The participants took part in one or more...
Corrected version of FIPO

Sport Committee

Marlise Grimm (D) and Jens Iversen (DK) have been re-elected for a two years period as members of the Sport Committee. The other members are Michaela Aðalsteinsson (A), Lena Lennartsson (S) and Sigurður Sæmundsson (IS). Chairman is Marko Mazeland (FEIF Director of...
Corrected version of FIPO

Open Letter about Oral Wounds

In an open letter to FEIF, two Swedish veterinarians (Gunilla Lundgren and Tomas Lundgren), draw the attention for the relatively high number of oral wounds that have been found during the veterinary checks at the World Championships 2005. They ask for a discussion in...