Our Danish member association DI is inviting to an international gæðngakeppni seminar and examination, March 17-19 at Hedeland – Denmark. The seminar is approved by FEIF and LH. The seminar will be conducted in English by instructors appointed by our Icelandic member association LH. Updated rules and guidelines for judging (available at www.feif.org/service) will be a main topic at the seminar, as well as introduction and practical judging on the track and from video.
On Sunday March 19 it will be possible to do the formal approved Gæðingakeppni judge examination. An approved judge license from LH is the only valid judge license for judging Gæðingakeppni.
The seminar is open for everyone with the interest of judging Gæðingakeppni.
More information: Trille Kjeldsen, e-mail tk@islandshest.dk.