The annual meeting for Sport discussed a long list of items. One of the main items is an experiment that will take place in 2013 in Tölt T3, where the judges will only judge one side of the oval track in the second section and the riders will be asked by the speaker to show the transitions from slow tölt into distinct lengthened strides (and back) one by one. Dependent of the outcome of this experiment a proposal may be prepared to change the rules permanently. The meeting re-discussed a previous decision about the required gradient in the oval track and decided to prepare a proposal to leave the gradient open to the organiser of an event, with a maximum of 7.5%. At the same time the Sport Committee is asked to find evidence that any gradient is needed in relation to the various speeds demanded in different sections of tests on the oval track.
The meeting tried to redefine ‘fast tölt’ as a demand in many oval track tests. This is often wrongly interpreted as ‘as fast as possible’, while the actual demand is a faster tölt then shown before with lengthened strides. This discussion will be continued next year.
The Sport Committee presented a change of requirements for World Ranking events. Starting 2014 the number of FEIF International Sport Judges will be raised from 2 to 3, and the number of hours a judge may judge per day is limited, to ensure the best quality. At the same time results from oval track tests will only be accepted from 250m tracks.
In a joined meeting with the Youth Meeting it was decided to present a proposal at next years’ Delegates’ Assembly to allow the reigning Youth World Champions to defend their title at the next World Championships, provided that they are still able to compete in the Young Riders class.