Young Committee members

Young Committee members

For a good number of years now, each FEIF Committee has a dedicated seat for a young committee member. Candidates are aged 18-26 and can apply directly to FEIF. Young committee members have a full vote and work under the same conditions as any other serving committee...
Young Committee members 2022

Young Committee members 2022

Along with other candidates who were elected in the Delegates’ Assembly 2022, two new young committee members will also start their 2-year position on FEIF committees: Dóróthea Sigríður Unnsteinsdóttir (IS)  will serve on the FEIF Breeding committee, and Steinar...
Young Committee Members

Young Committee Members

Ambitious as a sport rider? Excited about breeding? Interested in shaping the future of the Icelandic horse? If you are between 20-26 years old, FEIF needs you.  – – – FEIF is looking for two young committee members to work with the Sport and...
Young Committee members

Young Committee members

FEIF is looking for interested and active young people, 20-26 years old, to join the FEIF Committees of Sport and Breeding Help us shape the future of the Icelandic Horse world. Seats, especially earmarked for young people, will become available from February 2022,...
Young Committee members

Young Committee members

As had been agreed at the DA in 2019, all FEIF Committees have a designated young person position. The vacancies in the Sport and Breeding committees were filled at the FEIF Conference in 2020, and will become available again in 2022, and the work of both committees...
New Young FEIF committee members

New Young FEIF committee members

Along with the other candidates who were elected during the DA on Saturday, 3 new young committee members will start their 2-year position on FEIF committees: Lena-Marie Baltes (LU) will serve on the Education committee, Katharina Haider (AT) on the Leisure Riding...
Young FEIF committee members

Young FEIF committee members

The deadline for applications from young people (20-26) has now passed, and the FEIF Board is delighted to announce that we have some outstanding applications. Two excellent candidates will join the Sport and the Breeding committee in February at the annual FEIF...
FEIF Breeding Committees meeting 2023

FEIF Breeding Committees meeting 2023

The breeding committees used the opportunity in Frankfurt end of October to prepare the 2024 season, but also to discuss long-term developments in Icelandic horse breeding. A variety of proposals and discussion topics were prepared for the Delegates’ Assembly 2024 and...
FEIF Education Committee meeting 2023

FEIF Education Committee meeting 2023

From October 27-28, 2023, the FEIF Education Committee had a very productive meeting at the Committee Meetings 2023 in Frankfurt. Current members of the group are: Bea Rusterholz, Herdís Reynisdóttir, Nicole Kempf, Silke Feuchthofen (FEIF Director of Education),...