
Amelie Segerström

T1 - Tölt

T2 - Tölt

V1 - Four Gait

F1 - Five Gait

PP1 - Pace Test

P2 - SpeedPass 100m

Ranking 2024T2 - Tölt6.87036
Ranking 2024P2 - SpeedPass 100m8.89043
FEIF WorldRankingT1 - Tölt6.590297
FEIF WorldRankingF1 - Five Gait6.587132
FEIF WorldRankingPP1 - Pace Test6.52796
FEIF WorldRankingC5 - Five Gait Combination6.56817

Results of Amelie Segerstrom are also included in the results of Amelie Segerström.