
Julie Darbon-Guillin

T2 - Tölt

T3 - Tölt

5.67Cvika de la Huilerie
MC: Mid European Championships 2018
12 Aug 2018
5.30Cvika de la Huilerie
DE: OSI Alpenhof 2018
17 Jun 2018

V1 - Four Gait

V2 - Four Gait

5.53Cvika de la Huilerie
MC: Mid European Championships 2018
12 Aug 2018
5.47Cvika de la Huilerie
DE: OSI Alpenhof 2018
17 Jun 2018

Julie Darbon-Guillin is currently representing France.

The current Country of Representation ('Sport Nationality') is either based upon the (last) team membership or an explicit registration by the rider. A proper registration before April 1 of the year in question is required for any change of a Country of Representation (FEIF General Regulations G2.1.4).