
Benedikt Ólafsson

T1 - Tölt

T2 - Tölt

T3 - Tölt

V1 - Four Gait

V2 - Four Gait

F1 - Five Gait

F2 - Five Gait

PP1 - Pace Test

P2 - SpeedPass 100m

World Champion 2023
- Young Rider
PP1Leira-Björk frá Naustum III
[ IS2007265487 ]
World Champion 2023
- Young Rider
C5Leira-Björk frá Naustum III
[ IS2007265487 ]
Ranking 2024T2 - Tölt7.45049
Ranking 2024F1 - Five Gait6.585117
Ranking 2024PP1 - Pace Test7.21044
Ranking 2024P2 - SpeedPass 100m7.61023
FEIF WorldRankingT1 - Tölt7.44365
FEIF WorldRankingT2 - Tölt7.34371
FEIF WorldRankingF1 - Five Gait6.590140
FEIF WorldRankingF1 - Five Gait6.423209
FEIF WorldRankingPP1 - Pace Test8.01315
FEIF WorldRankingPP1 - Pace Test7.08358
FEIF WorldRankingP2 - SpeedPass 100m7.88372
FEIF WorldRankingP2 - SpeedPass 100m7.95785

Benedikt Ólafsson is currently representing Iceland.

The current Country of Representation ('Sport Nationality') is either based upon the (last) team membership or an explicit registration by the rider. A proper registration before April 1 of the year in question is required for any change of a Country of Representation (FEIF General Regulations G2.1.4).