Summary of the Annual Sport Meeting 2009

Summary of the Annual Sport Meeting 2009

The Annual Sport Meeting 2009 addressed various items regarding the welfare of the horse. An inventory was made of the actions taken in the various member countries regarding this subject. The newly introduced checks on oral wounds at sport competitions proved to be...
Summary of the Annual Sport Meeting 2009

FIZO and FIPO 2009

The proposals for changes in FIPO and FIZO were accepted unanimously by the delegates at the Delegates’ Assembly 2009 which took place in Hamburg, Germany, on February 26, 2009. The new versions of FIPO and FIZO will be published on the internet as soon as...
Summary of the Annual Sport Meeting 2009

Elections of FEIF Board Members

At the Delegates’ Assembly 2009 the FEIF Board Members Wolfgang Berg, Marko Mazeland, Jón Albert Sigurbjörnsson and Jens Iversen were re-elected unanimously. The minutes of the Delegates’ Assembly and the minutes of the department meetings will be...
Summary of the Annual Sport Meeting 2009


The agreement between FEIF and BI, which was proposed to the delegates at the Delegates’ Assembly 2009 in Hamburg, Germany, was accepted unanimously. This means that all member countries now follow the same rules for the use of WorldFengur. Detailed information...