Gísli Geir Gylfason
T1 - Tölt
Mark | Horse | Event |
6.37 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Íslandsbankamót 15 Aug 2004 |
6.33 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Íslandsmót, Fullorðína 25 Jul 2004 |
6.00 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Gæðingakeppni og Tölt, Fákur 31 May 2004 |
6.27 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Akureyrarmeistaramót 16 May 2004 |
6.40 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Reykjavíkurmót 11 May 2003 |
T2 - Tölt
V1 - Four Gait
Mark | Horse | Event |
6.20 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Íslandsbankamót 15 Aug 2004 |
6.13 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Akureyrarmeistaramót 16 May 2004 |
6.27 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Reykjavíkurmót 11 May 2003 |
6.70 | nn * [XX0000000000] | WC: World Championships 06 Aug 1995 |
F1 - Five Gait
Mark | Horse | Event |
6.27 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Íslandsbankamót 18 Aug 2002 |
6.13 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Fyrirtækjamót Harðar 23 Jun 2002 |
5.77 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: 20 Jul 1997 |
PP1 - Pace Test
Mark | Horse | Event |
7.90 | nn * [XX0000000000] | IS: Íslandsbankamót 18 Aug 2002 |
Gísli Geir Gylfason is currently representing Iceland.
The current Country of Representation ('Sport Nationality') is either based upon the (last) team membership or an explicit registration by the rider. A proper registration before April 1 of the year in question is required for any change of a Country of Representation (FEIF General Regulations G2.1.4).
Results of Gisli Geir Gylfason are also included in the results of Gísli Geir Gylfason.