
Sigrid Bisgaard Amstrup

T1 - Tölt

T2 - Tölt

5.20Silja fra Tybrind
DK: Fynsmesterskab 2021
06 Jun 2021
5.73Léttfeti fra Oversø
DK: DM Rid
03 Jul 2011

T3 - Tölt

6.13Silja fra Tybrind
DE: Kronshof Special 2018 (WR)
21 May 2018
5.53Silja fra Tybrind
DK: Jökull Forårsstævne
15 Apr 2018
6.70Dröfn fra HCL Hestar
DK: Icehorse Festival
08 Apr 2018
5.87Silja fra Tybrind
DE: IPZV Nord Meisterschaft 2017
10 Sep 2017

T4 - Tölt

V1 - Four Gait

V2 - Four Gait

F2 - Five Gait

5.07Silja fra Tybrind
SE: RD-festival
26 May 2019
FEIF WorldRankingV1 - Four Gait6.353343

Sigrid Bisgaard Amstrup is currently representing Denmark.

The current Country of Representation ('Sport Nationality') is either based upon the (last) team membership or an explicit registration by the rider. A proper registration before April 1 of the year in question is required for any change of a Country of Representation (FEIF General Regulations G2.1.4).