Corona Cup

Corona Cup

Corona Cup Sweden is an online tournament that was started by the FEIF judges Åsa William and Jenny Göransson and Gunilla Lindgren, a Swedish national judge. The tournament is split in 4 weeks. Every week you can chose from two different tests, for details follow the...
Virtual Icelandic Horse Championships

Virtual Icelandic Horse Championships

A virtual competition, with participants from all over the world. The only thing you need is a video from 2019 or 2020 – but you do not need to leave home or go to the stable now, you can ride a competition from you sofa – but still with audience from all...
FEIF Virtual ride

FEIF Virtual ride

Since they started in August, the FEIF Virtual riders have now covered 23.510km on ‘Hello Hella’, this year’s ride to Landsmót 2020. Virtual ride? In these days of coronavirus, a lot of things seem to switch to ‘virtual’. At my University...
Greetings from Team Landsmót

Greetings from Team Landsmót

During the FEIF conference in Hveragerdi Iceland last month, participants visited the Rangárhöllin riding and event hall in Hella. Team Landsmóts wants to thank everyone for coming and giving us the opportunity to be your host in our great facilities that horse people...
Alternative shoeing

Alternative shoeing

Based on the description in the FEIF Rules and Regulations (G8.3.2.3) the use of alternative shoes is possible. According to the FEIF Rules and Regulations alternative shoes must be used as manufactured without any modification, which means that alternative shoeing...
FEIF Conference presentations

FEIF Conference presentations

Two very interesting presentations were held at the FEIF Conference 2020. Þorvaldur Kristjánsson informed the participants on the ‘Development of the breeding goal’ and Sigríður Björnsdóttir presented the latest developments on new strategies for...
Icelandic Horse Virtual Coffee Corner

Icelandic Horse Virtual Coffee Corner

The Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain and it’s members extend an open invitation to come join the fun online and virtually meet fellow Icelandic horse enthusiasts.This Thursday, 16th April at 17:00 CEST. Our online hosts will help the conversation flow,...