WorldRanking and Annual Ranking
T3: Annual Ranking 2021
The Ranking 2021 is based upon the best 2 marks per rider-horse-combination in Tölt T3 in the period 01 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2021. Only marks of 5.50 or better are taken into account.
Rider | Countries | Marks | ||
1 | Lisa Schürger | CH DE | 7.27; 6.67 (of 4) | 6.970 |
2 | Susanne Birgisson | DE | 7.13; 6.80 (of 2) | 6.965 |
2 | Vilborg Smáradóttir | IS | 7.00; 6.93 (of 4) | 6.965 |
4 | Elín Árnadóttir | IS | 7.00; 6.83 (of 3) | 6.915 |
4 | Hulda María Sveinbjörnsdóttir | IS | 7.00; 6.83 (of 2) | 6.915 |
4 | Ragnar Snær Viðarsson | IS | 7.00; 6.83 (of 4) | 6.915 |
7 | Hekla Katharína Kristinsdóttir | IS | 6.90; 6.87 (of 3) | 6.885 |
8 | Hermann Arason | IS | 6.93; 6.83 (of 3) | 6.880 |
8 | Védís Huld Sigurðardóttir | IS | 6.93; 6.83 (of 3) | 6.880 |
10 | Sigurður Steingrímsson | IS | 6.83; 6.80 (of 3) | 6.815 |
11 | Ásmundur Ernir Snorrason | IS | 6.87; 6.63 (of 2) | 6.750 |
11 | Kristján Árni Birgisson | IS | 6.77; 6.73 (of 2) | 6.750 |
13 | Embla Moey Guðmarsdóttir | IS | 6.90; 6.50 (of 2) | 6.700 |
13 | Guðný Dís Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.73; 6.67 (of 2) | 6.700 |
15 | Hjörvar Ágústsson | IS | 6.87; 6.50 (of 2) | 6.685 |
15 | Sigurbjörg Helgadóttir | IS | 6.80; 6.57 (of 2) | 6.685 |
17 | Jóhann Ólafsson | IS | 6.77; 6.57 (of 2) | 6.670 |
17 | Nina Pichler | AT | 6.77; 6.57 (of 2) | 6.670 |
19 | Elva Rún Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.83; 6.50 (of 2) | 6.665 |
19 | Herdís Björg Jóhannsdóttir | IS | 6.70; 6.63 (of 4) | 6.665 |
21 | Eygló Arna Guðnadóttir | IS | 6.80; 6.50 (of 3) | 6.650 |
22 | Jóhannes Magnús Ármannsson | IS | 6.63; 6.63 (of 2) | 6.630 |
22 | Sigurður Baldur Ríkharðsson | IS | 6.93; 6.33 (of 2) | 6.630 |
24 | Gudrun Völkl | DE | 6.73; 6.50 (of 2) | 6.615 |
25 | Catherine Marie Gratzl | AT | 6.67; 6.53 (of 4) | 6.600 |
26 | Christina Sachsen-Coburg Und Gotha | AT | 6.70; 6.47 (of 2) | 6.585 |
26 | Matthías Sigurðsson | IS | 6.60; 6.57 (of 2) | 6.585 |
28 | Veronika Lisa Gspandl-Magnthorsson | AT | 6.70; 6.43 (of 3) | 6.565 |
29 | Hlynur Pálsson | IS | 6.67; 6.43 (of 2) | 6.550 |
29 | Sabine Samplawsky | AT DE | 6.63; 6.47 (of 4) | 6.550 |
31 | Janine Niklaus-Köhler | DE | 6.63; 6.40 (of 2) | 6.515 |
31 | Sara Pesenacker | IS | 6.70; 6.33 (of 3) | 6.515 |
33 | Lilja Rún Sigurjónsdóttir | IS | 6.50; 6.50 (of 3) | 6.500 |
33 | Þorgils Kári Sigurðsson | IS | 7.00; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.500 |
35 | Anna Bára Ólafsdóttir | IS | 6.87; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.435 |
35 | Hjördís Halla Þórarinsdóttir | IS | 6.60; 6.27 (of 2) | 6.435 |
35 | Silke Veith | DE | 6.60; 6.27 (of 2) | 6.435 |
38 | Elísabet Líf Sigvaldadóttir | IS | 6.70; 6.10 (of 4) | 6.400 |
38 | Ragnar Bjarki Sveinbjörnsson | IS | 6.50; 6.30 (of 2) | 6.400 |
38 | Svandís Aitken Sævarsdóttir | IS | 6.50; 6.30 (of 3) | 6.400 |
41 | Uwe Brenner | CH DE | 6.37; 6.37 (of 4) | 6.370 |
42 | Elísabet Vaka Guðmundsdóttir | IS | 6.57; 6.10 (of 2) | 6.335 |
42 | Þórhildur Lotta Kjartansdóttir | IS | 6.50; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.335 |
44 | Nina Venebrügge | DE | 6.43; 6.23 (of 3) | 6.330 |
44 | Pálína Margrét Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.43; 6.23 (of 3) | 6.330 |
46 | Nadja Greimel | AT | 6.37; 6.27 (of 4) | 6.320 |
47 | Oliver Müller Von Blumencron | DE | 6.37; 6.23 (of 3) | 6.300 |
47 | Verena Fiebig | DE | 6.43; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.300 |
49 | Moritz Frisch | DE | 6.30; 6.27 (of 3) | 6.285 |
50 | Dagur Sigurðarson | IS | 6.43; 6.13 (of 3) | 6.280 |
51 | Amelie Kloucek | AT | 6.57; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.250 |
51 | Antonella Kubella | DE | 6.30; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.250 |
51 | Arnhildur Halldórsdóttir | IS | 6.30; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.250 |
51 | Theodóra Jóna Guðnadóttir | IS | 6.27; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.250 |
55 | Andrea Christl | DE | 6.27; 6.20 (of 3) | 6.235 |
56 | Melanie Römer | DE | 6.33; 6.13 (of 3) | 6.230 |
57 | Ásta Hólmfríður Ríkharðsdóttir | IS | 6.27; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.220 |
57 | Sina Günther | DE | 6.27; 6.17 (of 4) | 6.220 |
59 | Berglind Sveinsdóttir | IS | 6.30; 6.10 (of 2) | 6.200 |
59 | Charlotte Seraina Hütter | DE | 6.20; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.200 |
59 | Finja Frederike Hoffmann | DE | 6.20; 6.20 (of 3) | 6.200 |
59 | Lilja Dögg Ágústsdóttir | IS | 6.33; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.200 |
59 | Lisa Gatermann | DE | 6.33; 6.07 (of 2) | 6.200 |
59 | Nathalie Schmid | DE | 6.20; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.200 |
65 | Johanna Wallnsdorfer | AT | 6.20; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.185 |
65 | Nina Catharina Hinners | DE | 6.37; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.185 |
67 | Laura Tabelander | AT | 6.23; 6.13 (of 5) | 6.180 |
68 | Eva Kærnested | IS | 6.27; 6.07 (of 2) | 6.170 |
68 | Ina Schulz | DE | 6.27; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.170 |
70 | Barla Catrina Isenbügel | CH DE | 6.23; 6.10 (of 5) | 6.165 |
70 | Jana Scherenberger | DE | 6.20; 6.13 (of 4) | 6.165 |
72 | Jón Bjarni Smárason | IS | 6.30; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.150 |
73 | Barbara Kirchmayr-Urban | AT | 6.23; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.115 |
73 | Kristín Eir Hauksdóttir Holake | IS | 6.23; 6.00 (of 4) | 6.115 |
75 | Lea Vilhjálmsdóttir Menzinger | DE | 6.27; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.100 |
75 | Natalía Rán Leonsdóttir | IS | 6.43; 5.77 (of 2) | 6.100 |
75 | Sigrún Helga Halldórsdóttir | IS | 6.20; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.100 |
75 | Sophie Rosa | DE | 6.33; 5.87 (of 3) | 6.100 |
75 | Tineke De Vries | DE | 6.20; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.100 |
75 | Tinna Rut Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.27; 5.93 (of 3) | 6.100 |
81 | André Ziemann | SE | 6.20; 5.97 (of 2) | 6.085 |
81 | Kristina Tesch | DE | 6.17; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.085 |
81 | Roaske Kompagne | DE | 6.17; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.085 |
84 | Katharina Schmid | AT DE | 6.23; 5.93 (of 3) | 6.082 |
85 | Nina Pfrunder | CH | 6.23; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.080 |
86 | Anna-Katharina Vas | AT | 6.07; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.070 |
87 | Ines Hundrieser | DE | 6.20; 5.93 (of 4) | 6.065 |
87 | Steinunn Lilja Guðnadóttir | IS | 6.13; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.065 |
89 | Claudia König | DE | 6.07; 5.93 (of 3) | 6.000 |
89 | Ronja Marie Müller | DE | 6.00; 6.00 (of 4) | 6.000 |
89 | Sverrir Einarsson | IS | 6.07; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.000 |
92 | Anjo Blom | NL | 6.07; 5.90 (of 3) | 5.985 |
92 | Bram Vervest | NL | 6.00; 5.97 (of 2) | 5.985 |
92 | Júlía Björg Gabaj Knudsen | IS | 6.17; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.985 |
92 | Lisa Vermaas | BE NL | 6.10; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.985 |
92 | Ramona Rupp | CH | 6.20; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.985 |
97 | Carina Schaefer | DE | 6.23; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.980 |
97 | Gunnar Sturluson | IS | 6.43; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.980 |
99 | Helmut Lange | DE | 6.00; 5.93 (of 3) | 5.965 |
99 | Melina Weizdörfer | AT | 6.20; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.965 |
99 | Rosa Rüßmann | DE | 6.13; 5.80 (of 3) | 5.965 |
102 | Hulda Ingadóttir | IS | 6.00; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.950 |
102 | Jill Bator | DE | 6.07; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.950 |
104 | Isabella Berlakovich | AT | 6.00; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.935 |
104 | Siff Olsen | DK SE | 6.00; 5.87 (of 7) | 5.935 |
106 | Lennart Wiebe | DE | 6.13; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.930 |
107 | Hannah Wolf | AT DE | 6.17; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.920 |
107 | Zoe Keidel | DE | 6.07; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.920 |
109 | Eik Elvarsdóttir | IS | 6.23; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.915 |
109 | Felicitas Huber | DE | 5.93; 5.90 (of 3) | 5.915 |
109 | Ina Friederike Sauer | DE | 6.00; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.915 |
112 | Anja Von Werder | DE | 6.00; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.900 |
112 | Catharina Löhndorf | DE | 5.93; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.900 |
112 | Franka Struik | DE NL | 6.00; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.900 |
112 | Karina Vynne | DK | 6.07; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.900 |
112 | Lilli Eisch | DE | 5.93; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.900 |
112 | Seraina Hug | CH | 5.97; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.900 |
118 | Katharina Busk | AT | 6.00; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.885 |
118 | Þórey Þula Helgadóttir | IS | 6.00; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.885 |
120 | Pia Kravanja | AT | 5.93; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.880 |
121 | Gabriele Hagn | AT | 6.00; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.865 |
122 | Diana Brunner | CH | 5.87; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.850 |
122 | Hanne Borg | DK | 6.00; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.850 |
122 | Stephanie Wimmer | AT DE | 5.90; 5.80 (of 4) | 5.850 |
122 | Svenja Gruber | DE | 5.90; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.850 |
126 | Lilith Ciara Von Palubicki | DE | 5.93; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.830 |
126 | Patricia Unterberger | AT | 5.93; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.830 |
126 | Rupert Petschina | AT | 5.93; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.830 |
129 | Oddný Erlendsdóttir | IS | 6.07; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.820 |
130 | Davina Hoffmann | DE | 5.83; 5.80 (of 3) | 5.815 |
131 | Stephanie Ledermann | CH | 5.87; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.800 |
132 | Franziska Wallnsdorfer | AT | 5.80; 5.77 (of 3) | 5.785 |
132 | Vivien Sigmundsson | DE | 5.80; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.785 |
134 | Annet Van Doesburg-Van Dijk | BE NL | 5.93; 5.63 (of 3) | 5.780 |
134 | Heike Terbeck-Hasenpusch | DE | 6.03; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.780 |
134 | Helen Single | DE | 5.83; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.780 |
134 | Lina Arndt | AT | 5.83; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.780 |
138 | Marie Trenschel | AT | 5.83; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.765 |
139 | Bert Den Uijl | NL | 5.77; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.750 |
139 | Julia Querengässer | DE | 5.77; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.750 |
139 | Leona Schäfer | DE | 5.77; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.750 |
139 | Nina Aue | DE | 5.87; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.750 |
143 | Jana Laura Draxlbauer | AT | 5.83; 5.63 (of 3) | 5.732 |
144 | Livni Leitner | AT | 5.73; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.715 |
144 | Maria Nußdorfer | AT | 5.73; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.715 |
144 | Michaela Kühl | DE | 5.80; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.715 |
147 | Anne-Katrin Rieckhoff | DE | 5.70; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.700 |
147 | Thomas Wendt | DE | 5.90; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.700 |
149 | Christian Schellander | AT | 5.73; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.699 |
150 | Britt Søby | DK | 5.77; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.685 |
151 | Anja Huber | DE | 5.77; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.670 |
152 | Laura Francisca Strelow | DE | 5.70; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.665 |
153 | Wendie Mckee | DK | 5.70; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.635 |
154 | Birgit Glüsing | DE | 5.63; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.630 |
155 | Dominique Zinser | DE | 5.63; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.615 |
155 | Elke Schilders | BE NL | 5.73; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.615 |
155 | Laura Sophie Dills | DE | 5.63; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.615 |
158 | Celina Kranabetter | AT | 5.63; 5.57 (of 4) | 5.600 |
158 | Lynn Menzl | DE | 5.63; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.600 |
160 | Louisa Sophie Müller | DE | 5.67; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.585 |
161 | Maya Tax | AT | 5.57; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.569 |
162 | Hannah Leuschner | AT | 5.63; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.565 |
162 | Käthe Marie Stender | DE | 5.63; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.565 |
164 | Annika Hogh | DE | 5.60; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.550 |
165 | Sara Van Doesburg | BE NL | 5.50; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.500 |
Ranking | Test |
Ranking 2024 | T3 |
Ranking 2023 | T3 |
Ranking 2022 | T3 |
Ranking 2021 | T3 |
Ranking 2019 | T3 |
Current FEIF WorldRanking | T3 |