WorldRanking and Annual Ranking
V2: Annual Ranking 2024
The Ranking 2024 is based upon the best 2 marks per rider-horse-combination in Four Gait V2 in the period 01 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024. Only marks of 5.50 or better are taken into account.
Rider | Countries | Marks | ||
1 | Arnar Heimir Lárusson | IS | 6.93; 6.60 (of 2) | 6.765 |
2 | Kristín Ingólfsdóttir | IS | 6.83; 6.67 (of 3) | 6.750 |
3 | Saga Steinþórsdóttir | IS | 6.77; 6.67 (of 3) | 6.720 |
4 | Chiara Löw-Beer | AT | 6.73; 6.67 (of 4) | 6.700 |
5 | Auður Stefánsdóttir | IS | 6.83; 6.53 (of 3) | 6.680 |
5 | Marion Niederkofler | AT DE | 6.73; 6.63 (of 5) | 6.680 |
7 | Lucy Nold | US | 6.77; 6.57 (of 3) | 6.670 |
8 | Kári Steinsson | IS | 6.73; 6.60 (of 2) | 6.665 |
9 | Marilyn Thoma | DE | also 313: 5.665 6.70; 6.60 (of 2) | 6.650 |
10 | Gyða Sveinbjörg Kristinsdóttir | IS | 6.70; 6.57 (of 2) | 6.635 |
11 | Henna Johanna Sirén | IS | 6.63; 6.60 (of 2) | 6.615 |
12 | Veronika Lisa Gspandl-Magnthorsson | AT | 6.57; 6.57 (of 3) | 6.570 |
13 | Constanze Mühlbauer | AT | also 202: 5.865 6.63; 6.50 (of 2) | 6.565 |
14 | Johanna Reisinger | AT DE | 6.57; 6.53 (of 2) | 6.550 |
14 | Vilborg Smáradóttir | IS | 6.73; 6.37 (of 2) | 6.550 |
16 | Darri Gunnarsson | IS | 6.57; 6.47 (of 2) | 6.520 |
16 | Elín Árnadóttir | IS | 6.57; 6.47 (of 2) | 6.520 |
18 | Hrafnhildur Jónsdóttir | IS | also 41: 6.300 6.57; 6.43 (of 3) | 6.500 |
18 | Ina Kanov | AT | 6.60; 6.40 (of 4) | 6.500 |
18 | Jill Bator | DE | also 115: 6.035, 205: 5.850 6.57; 6.43 (of 3) | 6.500 |
18 | Linda Guðbjörg Friðriksdóttir | IS | 6.77; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.500 |
22 | Inga Trottenberg | DE | 6.50; 6.47 (of 2) | 6.485 |
23 | Ann-Katrin Linder | CH DE | 6.67; 6.23 (of 3) | 6.450 |
23 | Kristín Lárusdóttir | IS | also 82: 6.120 6.83; 6.07 (of 2) | 6.450 |
23 | Liesl Kolbe | US | 6.50; 6.40 (of 3) | 6.450 |
26 | Ragnar Bjarki Sveinbjörnsson | IS | 6.50; 6.37 (of 2) | 6.435 |
27 | Arnhildur Halldórsdóttir | IS | 6.43; 6.40 (of 3) | 6.415 |
28 | Finja Marie Niehuus | DE | 6.43; 6.37 (of 4) | 6.400 |
28 | Stephanie Wimmer | AT DE | 6.43; 6.37 (of 5) | 6.400 |
30 | Ladina Sigurbjörnsson-Foppa | AT DE | 6.50; 6.27 (of 3) | 6.385 |
30 | Margrét Halla Hansdóttir Löf | IS | 6.57; 6.20 (of 3) | 6.385 |
30 | Snæfríður Ásta Jónasdóttir | IS | 6.40; 6.37 (of 3) | 6.385 |
30 | Wiebke Saleh | DE | 6.40; 6.37 (of 5) | 6.385 |
34 | Mira Böhler | DE | 6.47; 6.27 (of 2) | 6.370 |
35 | Wiebke Holthoff | AT DE | 6.43; 6.30 (of 2) | 6.365 |
36 | Constanze Schulze Buschhoff | DE | also 282: 5.715 6.40; 6.30 (of 3) | 6.350 |
36 | Kristín Rut Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.37; 6.33 (of 2) | 6.350 |
38 | Teresa Deicke | DE | 6.37; 6.30 (of 2) | 6.335 |
39 | Viktoría Huld Hannesdóttir | IS | 6.43; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.330 |
40 | Malte Köhn | DE | 6.40; 6.23 (of 3) | 6.315 |
41 | Gabríel Liljendal Friðfinnsson | IS | 6.30; 6.30 (of 2) | 6.300 |
41 | Hákon Þór Kristinsson | IS | 6.40; 6.20 (of 3) | 6.300 |
41 | Hrafnhildur Jónsdóttir | IS | also 18: 6.500 6.43; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.300 |
41 | Lilja Warschawski | DE | 6.40; 6.20 (of 3) | 6.300 |
41 | Martina Pleschounig | AT | also 6.33; 6.27 (of 3) | 6.300 |
41 | Martina Pleschounig | AT | also 6.33; 6.27 (of 4) | 6.300 |
41 | Soffía Sveinsdóttir | IS | 6.37; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.300 |
48 | Ásta Hólmfríður Ríkharðsdóttir | IS | 6.40; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.285 |
48 | Desiree Benyr | DE | 6.40; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.285 |
50 | Ida-Sofie Kvande | NO | 6.53; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.265 |
50 | Linnit Wanckel | DE | 6.40; 6.13 (of 2) | 6.265 |
50 | Una Björt Valgarðsdóttir | IS | 6.30; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.265 |
53 | Larissa Becherer | DE | 6.33; 6.17 (of 4) | 6.250 |
53 | Seline Bleichenbacher | CH | 6.27; 6.23 (of 4) | 6.250 |
53 | Zoe Braunert | DE | 6.27; 6.23 (of 2) | 6.250 |
56 | Fabian Sadi | DE | 6.27; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.235 |
56 | Jin Xing Wan van Werven | DE NL | also 127: 6.000 6.40; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.235 |
56 | Julia Lüschow | DE | 6.40; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.235 |
56 | Kerstin Hörmansdorfer | AT | also 196: 5.880 6.30; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.235 |
60 | Timo Gripp | DE | 6.33; 6.13 (of 3) | 6.230 |
61 | Isabella Berlakovich | AT | 6.27; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.220 |
61 | Leonie Grohs | DE | 6.27; 6.17 (of 4) | 6.220 |
61 | Marianne Wechdorn | AT | 6.27; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.220 |
64 | Sylvana Frigoli | CH | 6.23; 6.20 (of 2) | 6.215 |
65 | Guðbjörn Tryggvason | IS | 6.40; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.200 |
65 | Jule Hanelt | DE | 6.50; 5.90 (of 2) | 6.200 |
65 | Marie-Kristin Armbruster | DE | 6.47; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.200 |
68 | Anette Tesch | DE | 6.20; 6.17 (of 3) | 6.185 |
68 | Annali Brugger | DE | 6.27; 6.10 (of 2) | 6.185 |
68 | Helmut Lange | DE | 6.37; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.185 |
68 | Katharina Graninger | AT | 6.20; 6.17 (of 4) | 6.185 |
68 | Lea Gerbershagen | DE | 6.20; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.185 |
68 | Lina Neuber | CH | 6.20; 6.17 (of 2) | 6.185 |
74 | Christa Rike | AT DE DK | 6.23; 6.13 (of 3) | 6.180 |
74 | Morten Nielsen | DE DK | 6.33; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.180 |
76 | Carola Schuch | DE | 6.17; 6.13 (of 3) | 6.150 |
76 | Davina Hoffmann | DE | also 145: 5.950 6.23; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.150 |
76 | Elfa Ósk Eggertsson | DE DK | 6.20; 6.10 (of 4) | 6.150 |
76 | Katja Honnefeller | DE | 6.23; 6.07 (of 2) | 6.150 |
80 | Clara Spanny | AT | 6.20; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.135 |
80 | Theresa Schwuchow | DE | 6.17; 6.10 (of 2) | 6.135 |
82 | Katy Laatz | DE | also 261: 5.735 6.17; 6.07 (of 5) | 6.120 |
82 | Kristín Lárusdóttir | IS | also 23: 6.450 6.37; 5.87 (of 2) | 6.120 |
82 | Maylin Gemperle | CH | 6.17; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.120 |
82 | Mieke Van Herwijnen | BE NL | 6.17; 6.07 (of 3) | 6.120 |
86 | Kristín Karlsdóttir | IS | 6.23; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.115 |
86 | Marlene Schönberger | AT DE | 6.20; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.115 |
86 | Sina Günther | DE | 6.23; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.115 |
89 | Celina Sophie Schneider | IS | 6.10; 6.10 (of 3) | 6.100 |
89 | Emma Van Der Veer | BE NL | 6.33; 5.87 (of 3) | 6.100 |
89 | Lara Wöhry | AT | 6.20; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.100 |
89 | Marie Julia Trenschel | AT | 6.23; 5.97 (of 3) | 6.100 |
89 | Mathilde Reichardt | DE | 6.33; 5.87 (of 2) | 6.100 |
89 | Milena Bauer | AT | 6.17; 6.03 (of 4) | 6.100 |
95 | Jana Scherenberger | DE | 6.20; 5.97 (of 3) | 6.085 |
95 | Katharina Hardt | BE DE | 6.17; 6.00 (of 3) | 6.085 |
95 | Tanja Poensgen | DE | 6.10; 6.07 (of 2) | 6.085 |
95 | Tómas Örn Snorrason | IS | 6.20; 5.97 (of 3) | 6.085 |
99 | Finja Busslinger | CH | 6.13; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.080 |
99 | Patricia Unterberger | AT | 6.13; 6.03 (of 6) | 6.080 |
99 | Silke Veith | DE | 6.23; 5.93 (of 3) | 6.080 |
102 | Karolin Streule | DE | 6.17; 5.97 (of 2) | 6.070 |
103 | Anna Glück | AT | 6.40; 5.73 (of 2) | 6.065 |
103 | Finnya Stenger | DE | 6.10; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.065 |
103 | Lea Marie Priller | AT | 6.20; 5.93 (of 2) | 6.065 |
103 | Nele Böhme | DE | 6.10; 6.03 (of 3) | 6.065 |
103 | Sophie Rosa | DE | also 184: 5.900 6.10; 6.03 (of 3) | 6.065 |
108 | Andrea Weiss-Balz | CH DE | 6.20; 5.90 (of 2) | 6.050 |
108 | Barbara Beck | AT | 6.10; 6.00 (of 5) | 6.050 |
108 | Elisabeth Wehl | AT DE | 6.07; 6.03 (of 5) | 6.050 |
108 | Julia Friembichler | AT | 6.17; 5.93 (of 3) | 6.050 |
108 | Maria Rosenberg | AT | 6.43; 5.67 (of 3) | 6.050 |
108 | Mylou Suylen | BE NL | 6.23; 5.87 (of 2) | 6.050 |
108 | Philipp Santl | AT DE | 6.07; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.050 |
115 | Celina Kranabetter | AT | 6.20; 5.87 (of 2) | 6.035 |
115 | Felicitas Huber | DE | 6.07; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.035 |
115 | Jill Bator | DE | also 18: 6.500, 205: 5.850 6.10; 5.97 (of 2) | 6.035 |
115 | Jóhanna Sigurlilja Sigurðardóttir | IS | 6.40; 5.67 (of 2) | 6.035 |
115 | Julian Oliver Titus Juraschek | IS | 6.07; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.035 |
115 | Seraina Hug | CH DE | 6.07; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.035 |
121 | Emmy Krieger | DE | 6.03; 6.03 (of 2) | 6.030 |
122 | Martina Gifi | DE | also 125: 6.015 6.07; 5.97 (of 2) | 6.020 |
122 | Phuong Carlotta Dehnelt | DE | 6.17; 5.87 (of 4) | 6.020 |
122 | Svala Björk Hlynsdóttir | IS | 6.27; 5.77 (of 2) | 6.020 |
125 | Anna Graninger | AT | 6.03; 6.00 (of 2) | 6.015 |
125 | Martina Gifi | DE | also 122: 6.020 6.13; 5.90 (of 2) | 6.015 |
127 | Amrei Kröger | DE | also 145: 5.950 6.13; 5.87 (of 4) | 6.000 |
127 | Anne Prilop | DE | 6.00; 6.00 (of 4) | 6.000 |
127 | Caroline Gerlach | DE | 6.00; 6.00 (of 5) | 6.000 |
127 | Jin Xing Wan van Werven | BE DE NL | also 56: 6.235 6.03; 5.97 (of 4) | 6.000 |
127 | Marlena Sander | DE | 6.00; 6.00 (of 4) | 6.000 |
127 | Philine Hubert | DE | 6.03; 5.97 (of 2) | 6.000 |
127 | Silje Schulte | DE | 6.17; 5.83 (of 2) | 6.000 |
134 | Janine Köhler | DE | 6.00; 5.97 (of 3) | 5.985 |
134 | Jula Ferro | AT | 6.10; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.985 |
136 | Gabrielle Severinsen | NO | 6.13; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.980 |
136 | Nadja Schalch | DE | 6.03; 5.93 (of 2) | 5.980 |
136 | Sandra Hoff | DE | 6.03; 5.93 (of 4) | 5.980 |
139 | Franziska Sachsen-Coburg Und Gotha | AT | 6.07; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.970 |
140 | Antonia Albersmann | DE | also 300: 5.685 6.00; 5.93 (of 2) | 5.965 |
140 | Jantje Polenz | DE | 6.03; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.965 |
140 | Lara Lynack | DE | 6.00; 5.93 (of 3) | 5.965 |
140 | Lara Storch | DE | 6.00; 5.93 (of 2) | 5.965 |
140 | Sara Van Doesburg | BE DE NL | 6.00; 5.93 (of 7) | 5.965 |
145 | Amrei Kröger | DE | also 127: 6.000 6.00; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Davina Hoffmann | DE | also 76: 6.150 6.07; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Elimar Elvarsson | IS | 6.23; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Emily Bömelburg | DE | 6.03; 5.87 (of 4) | 5.950 |
145 | Gianluca Ditolve | DE | 5.97; 5.93 (of 3) | 5.950 |
145 | Jakob Freyr Maagaard Ólafsson | IS | 6.10; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Julia Plutniok | DE | also 261: 5.735 6.17; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Kári Sveinbjörnsson | IS | 6.00; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Lisa Rohlfing | DE | 6.00; 5.90 (of 4) | 5.950 |
145 | Lona Perzborn | DE | 6.07; 5.83 (of 5) | 5.950 |
145 | Maxima Klein | DE | 6.13; 5.77 (of 3) | 5.950 |
145 | Pia Lipp | DE | 5.97; 5.93 (of 2) | 5.950 |
145 | Roos Lubbers | BE NL | 6.10; 5.80 (of 4) | 5.950 |
145 | Valentina Pircher | AT DE | 5.97; 5.93 (of 4) | 5.950 |
145 | Vanessa Mas Martinez | DE | 6.37; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.950 |
160 | Ásdís Brynja Jónsdóttir | IS | 6.00; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Birgit Breuer-Schuster | DE | 5.97; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Gunnar Eyjólfsson | IS | 5.97; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Jasmin Galow | DE | 5.97; 5.90 (of 3) | 5.935 |
160 | Jeanne-Louise Durand | DE | 5.97; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Larissa Mester | DE | 5.97; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Lorena Hofmann | DE | 6.07; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.935 |
160 | Victoria Schwärzler | AT | 5.97; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.935 |
168 | Flora Fürnsinn | AT | 6.03; 5.83 (of 3) | 5.930 |
168 | Marie-Josefine Neumann | DE | 6.03; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.930 |
168 | Pim Van Der Sloot | DE NL | 5.93; 5.93 (of 4) | 5.930 |
168 | Susanne Linortner | AT | 5.93; 5.93 (of 2) | 5.930 |
168 | Viktoria Hartmann | DE | 6.03; 5.83 (of 5) | 5.930 |
173 | Doris Flender | DE DK | 6.07; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.920 |
173 | Gerbrig Folkertsma | BE NL | 5.97; 5.87 (of 4) | 5.920 |
173 | Hannah Stolz | DE | also 234: 5.780 5.97; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.920 |
173 | Isabella Gneist | DE | 5.97; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.920 |
173 | Linnéa Fenske | DE | 6.07; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.920 |
173 | Mette Koefoed | DK | 6.17; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.920 |
173 | Yasmin Wieben | DE | 5.97; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.920 |
180 | Anne-Marie Beddegenoots | BE NL | 5.93; 5.90 (of 4) | 5.915 |
180 | Emma Goltz | DE | 5.93; 5.90 (of 4) | 5.915 |
180 | Svenja Jaekel | DE | 6.00; 5.83 (of 4) | 5.915 |
180 | Tom Buijtelaar | BE NL | 5.93; 5.90 (of 3) | 5.915 |
184 | Antoinette De Rijcke | DE | 6.00; 5.80 (of 4) | 5.900 |
184 | Charlotte Koch | DE | 5.93; 5.87 (of 3) | 5.900 |
184 | Inken Lüdemann | DE | 5.90; 5.90 (of 2) | 5.900 |
184 | Íris Thelma Halldórsdóttir | IS | 5.93; 5.87 (of 3) | 5.900 |
184 | Katharina Hochstöger | AT | 5.93; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.900 |
184 | Laurena Lehrich | DE | 6.03; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.900 |
184 | Mette Nielsen | NO | 6.13; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.900 |
184 | Regina Eckert | DE | 5.90; 5.90 (of 3) | 5.900 |
184 | Sophie Rosa | DE | also 103: 6.065 6.03; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.900 |
193 | Anna Porlein | DE | 5.97; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.885 |
193 | Brynja Meehan | US | 6.00; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.885 |
193 | Sophie Jamme | DE | 5.90; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.885 |
196 | Johanna Flecke | DE | 5.93; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.880 |
196 | Kerstin Hörmansdorfer | AT | also 56: 6.235 5.93; 5.83 (of 3) | 5.880 |
196 | Virginia Lauridsen | US | 5.93; 5.83 (of 3) | 5.880 |
199 | Daniel Mayerhofer | AT | 5.97; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.870 |
199 | Hallgrímur Birkisson | DK | 6.07; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.870 |
199 | Kim-Marie Marzahl | DE | 5.87; 5.87 (of 2) | 5.870 |
202 | Constanze Mühlbauer | AT | also 13: 6.565 6.13; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.865 |
202 | Helena Zengel | DE | also 220: 5.815 5.90; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.865 |
202 | Lisa Gatermann | DE | 5.90; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.865 |
205 | Chris Blom | NL | 5.90; 5.80 (of 3) | 5.850 |
205 | Garance Van Rooij | BE NL | 5.90; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.850 |
205 | Inga Schulz | CH | 5.87; 5.83 (of 3) | 5.850 |
205 | Jill Bator | DE | also 18: 6.500, 115: 6.035 5.97; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.850 |
205 | Lena Studer | CH | 5.90; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.850 |
205 | Sigurður Ingvarsson | IS | 5.97; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.850 |
205 | Unnur Rós Ármannsdóttir | IS | 5.93; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.850 |
212 | Dörte-Leonie Vatansever | DE | 5.97; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.835 |
212 | Leticia Tawil | AT | 5.97; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.835 |
214 | Juliane Dormanns | DE | 5.83; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.830 |
214 | Svenja Schmitt | DE | 5.83; 5.83 (of 2) | 5.830 |
216 | Fabian Schmidt | DK | 5.87; 5.77 (of 3) | 5.820 |
216 | Marie Fischer | DE | 5.87; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.820 |
216 | Melina Weizdörfer | AT | also 253: 5.750 5.87; 5.77 (of 3) | 5.820 |
216 | Nadine Hutzler | DE | 5.87; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.820 |
220 | Helena Zengel | DE | also 202: 5.865 6.00; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.815 |
220 | Hrafnhildur B. Arngrímsdó | IS | 6.13; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.815 |
222 | Alisa Zielosko | DE DK | 5.90; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.800 |
222 | Cornelia Pichler | AT | 5.83; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.800 |
222 | Dagmar Scholl | DE | 5.90; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.800 |
222 | Emma Lovis Enderlein | DE | 5.93; 5.67 (of 4) | 5.800 |
222 | Friðrik Snær Friðriksson | IS | 5.87; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.800 |
222 | Géraldine Greber | DE | 5.80; 5.80 (of 2) | 5.800 |
222 | Lena Krey | AT | 6.07; 5.53 (of 3) | 5.800 |
222 | Marianne Høgh | DK | 5.90; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.800 |
222 | Mieke Van Vroenhoven | BE NL | 5.87; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.800 |
222 | Valerie Völkl | DE | 5.93; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.800 |
232 | Halldór Þorbjörnsson | IS | 5.97; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.785 |
232 | Jona Trautmann | DE | 5.87; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.785 |
234 | Beate Wegmann-Steffens | DE | 5.83; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.780 |
234 | Gudrun Dietrich | AT | 5.83; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.780 |
234 | Hannah Stolz | DE | also 173: 5.920 5.83; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.780 |
234 | Inga Kristín Sigurgeirsdóttir | IS | 5.83; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.780 |
238 | Lara-Jean Meyer | DE | 5.87; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.770 |
238 | Þórdís Sigurðardóttir | IS | 5.77; 5.77 (of 2) | 5.770 |
240 | Aly van der Veen | BE DE NL | 5.83; 5.70 (of 5) | 5.765 |
240 | Eyrún Jónasdóttir | IS | 5.80; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.765 |
240 | Fiona Schumacher | CH | 5.80; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Franziska Haener | CH DE | 5.83; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Gunnar Már Jónsson | IS | 5.83; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Högni Fróðason | DE | 5.90; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Lillith Helene Meyer | DE | 5.83; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Linus Bonne | DE | 5.80; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Linus Jankowski | DE | 5.90; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Ricardo Tawil | AT | 5.90; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Silja Mallison | DE | 6.03; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Sonia Raeder | DE | 5.80; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.765 |
240 | Theresa Kleer | DE | 5.80; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.765 |
253 | Anika Huber | DE | 5.93; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Joëlle Brönnimann | DE | 5.87; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Jolien Borkeloh | DE | 5.90; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Kasper Martinsen | NO | 5.80; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Melina Weizdörfer | AT | also 216: 5.820 5.77; 5.73 (of 3) | 5.750 |
253 | Oddný Erlendsdóttir | IS | 6.00; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Pia Kravanja | AT | 5.77; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.750 |
253 | Pia Kühner | DE | 5.77; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.750 |
261 | Alina Rohse | DE | 5.77; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.735 |
261 | Franziska Benner | AT DE | 5.87; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.735 |
261 | Gabriele Hagn | AT | 5.80; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.735 |
261 | Helene Tschudi Tinglum | NO | 5.77; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.735 |
261 | Iris Wijker | BE FR NL | 5.90; 5.57 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Julia Plutniok | DE | also 145: 5.950 5.87; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.735 |
261 | Katharina De Faber | AT BE DE | 5.80; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Katy Laatz | DE | also 82: 6.120 5.80; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Marie-Theres Strobl | AT | 5.80; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Milla Reinhardt | DE | 5.77; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Pia-Maria Anscheringer | AT | 5.77; 5.70 (of 3) | 5.735 |
261 | Verena Fiebig | DE | 5.80; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.735 |
273 | Maja Declercq | BE | 5.83; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.730 |
273 | Nikoline Schack Nielsen | DK | 5.83; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.730 |
273 | Rebecca Kaiser | DE | 5.83; 5.63 (of 4) | 5.730 |
273 | Solvej Aeschbacher | CH | 5.73; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.730 |
273 | Sophia Futterer | DE | 5.83; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.730 |
273 | Veronika Rauch | DK | 5.73; 5.73 (of 2) | 5.730 |
279 | Anjo Blom | NL | 5.77; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.720 |
279 | Liv Egerland | DK | 5.77; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.720 |
279 | Theresa Pieske | DE | 5.77; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.720 |
282 | Bianca Ehmke | DE | 5.73; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Camilla Dís Ívarsd. Sampsted | IS | 5.90; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Constanze Schulze Buschhoff | DE | also 36: 6.350 5.83; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Dana Blum | CH | 5.83; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Elisabeth Stein | DE | 5.80; 5.63 (of 3) | 5.715 |
282 | Hekla Eyþórsdóttir | IS | 5.83; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Ingrid Tryti | NO | 5.90; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Jette-Luise Fuhrmann | DE | 5.83; 5.60 (of 3) | 5.715 |
282 | Lea Marie Zoch | DE | 5.73; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Saskia Kahrs | DE | 5.80; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.715 |
282 | Stephanie Rohowsky | AT | 5.83; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.715 |
293 | Anne Hiemstra | BE NL | 5.73; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.700 |
293 | Emma-Antonine Zahradnik | DE | 5.73; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.700 |
293 | Helena Konzok | DE | 5.70; 5.70 (of 2) | 5.700 |
293 | Johanna Mayrhofer | AT | 5.83; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.700 |
293 | Lena Von Werder | AT DE | 5.80; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.700 |
293 | Louisa Marie Gansauer | DE | 5.77; 5.63 (of 3) | 5.700 |
293 | Rafn Alexander M. Gunnarsson | IS | 5.87; 5.53 (of 3) | 5.700 |
300 | Alicia Meyer | DE | 5.87; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Antonia Albersmann | DE | also 140: 5.965 5.70; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Dorte Rasmussen | DK | 5.80; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Kirsten Valkenier | BE NL | 5.77; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Laura Horky | AT | 5.80; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Marlena Evers | DE | 5.80; 5.57 (of 3) | 5.685 |
300 | Mira Sofie Witek | AT | 5.70; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Ragnar Dagur Jóhannsson | IS | 5.77; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Saar Veneman | NL | also 358: 5.515 5.70; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.685 |
300 | Stella Lenz | DE | 5.70; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.685 |
310 | Johanna Rijnberg-Schulz | BE NL | 5.83; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.680 |
311 | Celine Thesen | DE | 5.67; 5.67 (of 2) | 5.670 |
311 | Fathi Lassoued | DE | 5.67; 5.67 (of 3) | 5.670 |
313 | Dean Claußen | DE | 5.70; 5.63 (of 6) | 5.665 |
313 | Felix Sombrofsky | DE | 5.70; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.665 |
313 | Helen Pröve | DE | 5.70; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.665 |
313 | Marilyn Thoma | DE | also 9: 6.650 5.70; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.665 |
313 | Ylva Sól Agnarsdóttir | IS | 5.83; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.665 |
318 | Alina-Kassandra Tucholski | DE | 5.77; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.650 |
318 | Cecile Jacobs | BE NL | 5.70; 5.60 (of 3) | 5.650 |
318 | Dana Marosi | AT | 5.70; 5.60 (of 3) | 5.650 |
318 | Joel tomaselli | CH | 5.77; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.650 |
318 | Michael Klingels | DE | 5.67; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.650 |
318 | Monique Cox | BE NL | 5.67; 5.63 (of 3) | 5.650 |
318 | Regitze Johansen | DK | 5.80; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.650 |
318 | Sophia Reutzel | DE | 5.70; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.650 |
326 | Alissa Roth | CH | 5.67; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.635 |
326 | Maja Puscher | DE | 5.67; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.635 |
326 | Melanie Laudenberg | DE | 5.67; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.635 |
329 | Catharina Löhndorf | DE | 5.63; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.630 |
329 | Wenke Noormann | DE | 5.63; 5.63 (of 2) | 5.630 |
331 | Clara Magdalena Witt | DE | also 339: 5.585 5.67; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.620 |
331 | Eyvar Albrecht | CH DE | 5.67; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.620 |
331 | Liam Arvid Aldag | DE | 5.67; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.620 |
331 | Sophie-Marie Amm | AT | 5.67; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.620 |
335 | Laura Messana | DE | 5.73; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.615 |
336 | Camilla Jensen | DK | 5.67; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.600 |
336 | Luisa Zunterer | AT | 5.60; 5.60 (of 2) | 5.600 |
336 | Paulien Rottiers | BE NL | 5.63; 5.57 (of 3) | 5.600 |
339 | Clara Magdalena Witt | DE | also 331: 5.620 5.67; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.585 |
339 | Isabella Von Wenz | DE | 5.67; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.585 |
339 | Janine Leidner | DE | 5.60; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.585 |
339 | Lucia Koch | DE | 5.60; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.585 |
339 | Sylvia Dubs | CH FR | 5.67; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.585 |
339 | Viktoria Schroff | DE | 5.60; 5.57 (of 3) | 5.585 |
339 | Zoé Emfietzis | DE | 5.60; 5.57 (of 2) | 5.585 |
346 | Lotte Von Petersdorff | DE | 5.63; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.580 |
347 | Elaine Kiele | DE | 5.57; 5.57 (of 4) | 5.570 |
348 | Annina Senn | CH DE | 5.60; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.565 |
348 | Darlene Skow | US | 5.63; 5.50 (of 3) | 5.565 |
348 | Joy Lilias Stephan | DE | 5.60; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.565 |
348 | Lilith Von Palubicki | DE | 5.60; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.565 |
348 | Nancy Hofkens | DE NL | 5.60; 5.53 (of 3) | 5.565 |
353 | Ann-Charlene Drechsler | DE | 5.57; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.550 |
353 | Christina Mletzeck | DE | 5.57; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.550 |
353 | Emma Brust | DE | 5.60; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.550 |
353 | Leara Wieneroiter | AT | 5.57; 5.53 (of 2) | 5.550 |
357 | Lara Sophie Bittner | DE | 5.57; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.535 |
358 | Saar Veneman | AT DE NL | also 300: 5.685 5.53; 5.50 (of 3) | 5.515 |
359 | Kristin Kronacher | DE | 5.50; 5.50 (of 2) | 5.500 |
Ranking | Test |
Ranking 2024 | V2 |
Ranking 2023 | V2 |
Ranking 2022 | V2 |
Ranking 2021 | V2 |
Ranking 2019 | V2 |
Current FEIF WorldRanking | V2 |