
Klara Solberg

T1 - Tölt

T2 - Tölt

V1 - Four Gait

F1 - Five Gait

PP1 - Pace Test

2.96Sabrína frá Fornusöndum
SE: SE - Sundabakki Nivå 1 sport
14 May 2023
Ranking 2024T1 - Tölt6.9657
Ranking 2024V1 - Four Gait6.40016
Ranking 2024V1 - Four Gait5.83538
Ranking 2024C4 - Four Gait Combination6.6838
FEIF WorldRankingT1 - Tölt7.000151
FEIF WorldRankingV1 - Four Gait6.733178
FEIF WorldRankingC4 - Four Gait Combination6.867125

Klara Solberg is currently representing Sweden.

The current Country of Representation ('Sport Nationality') is either based upon the (last) team membership or an explicit registration by the rider. A proper registration before April 1 of the year in question is required for any change of a Country of Representation (FEIF General Regulations G2.1.4).