News from Leisure Riding

REMINDER: Photo competition 2023

REMINDER: Photo competition 2023

For the photo competition 2023 we already received some great photos on the topic "Practise Makes Perfect". However, we are sure you have some further ideas how to interpret the theme - so use the opportunity and send your photos until April 1, 2023 the latest to...

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Start of the photo competition 2023!

Start of the photo competition 2023!

FEIF and IPZV are again launching the photo competition and this year in cooperation with Hungary, Canada and Iceland!  We are glad to have them on the photo competition team and hope that more countries will join the activity. In 2023 there will again be four...

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Photo Competition – the last voting

Photo Competition – the last voting

The period to send in photos for the photo competition ended and our jury has already decided on the best pictures from the last topic “Oldies but Goldies”. The photographers need your help now! You vote for a picture by “Liking” it on Facebook. You can vote for a...

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Tölt Tunes

Tölt Tunes

During the Mid-European and the Nordic Championships Henning Drath held an appreciated and interesting seminar supported by FEIF Youth Work. The participants of the seminar learned why the music in an Icelandic horse competition is important and how you can improve...

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Photo competition – Oldies but Goldies

Photo competition – Oldies but Goldies

The previous theme "Friendship" is slowly coming to an end. Photos can still be submitted until 31 August 2022. For this year's last round of the photo competition - a cooperation between FEIF, IPZV and ÖIV - we will use the wonderful theme OLDIES BUT GOLDIES....

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Reminder: photo competition “Friendship”

Reminder: photo competition “Friendship”

The summer topic for our photo competition (a cooperation between FEIF - IPZV - ÖIV) has the topic FRIENDSHIP and we already received great photos from many of you! However, there is still time to send in your contribution, deadline is August 31, 2022. We are looking...

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FEIF Virtual Rides – to the moon, and back

FEIF Virtual Rides – to the moon, and back

Over the years the total distance covered by the FEIF Virtual riders have amounted to 391,154 km. This easily outpaces the average distance to the moon, 384,400 km. The Virtual Rides started in the autumn of 2012 with the Long Ride to Berlin. The aim was, and...

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Over to Oirschot

Over to Oirschot

Time to start the next FEIF Virtual Ride! Meanwhile, it has become a good tradition that, in addition to the relay ride, there is also a virtual ride to the venue of the next World Championships. The starting time for the virtual ride is always the end of the...

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Photo Competition –  FLOWERPOWER voting ended

Photo Competition – FLOWERPOWER voting ended

The online voting of the photo competition is over and you decided on the three pictures that will be published in the 2023 calendar. Anna Guðmundsdóttir, Elisabeth Jaeger and Marlous Wester won the vote with these three wonderful photos. We congratulate the winners...

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FEIF Virtual Ride

FEIF Virtual Ride

With just days to go until the beginning of Landsmót, the current virtual ride “Heading to Hella” is coming to an end. Congratulations to all 73 riders from 11 member countries who participated not only in the virtual ride but also in all the fun along the way,...

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Photo Competition –  FLOWERPOWER

Photo Competition – FLOWERPOWER

Once again we are overwhelmed by all the great pictures that we received for the spring topic “FLOWERPOWER”. The jury with members from several countries now met and they decided on the 11 best pictures - from  more than 150 pictures sent in by you! Now you are all...

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FEIF Ride ‘Heading to Hella’

FEIF Ride ‘Heading to Hella’

After 11 months of heading towards Landsmót 2022, the virtual ride is entering its final stage. 70 riders from all over the world have patiently clocked up every km they spend in the saddle, added it all together, and measured the distance between home and Hella. For...

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International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism

Registration for the first International Meeting of Equestrian Tourism is open! Organized by the FITE, this meeting will be held on September 13, 2022 in Silkeborg, Denmark. Topics are: Equestrian tourism, its interrelation with other types of tourism and the...

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Safety video

Safety video

Explore how horses react to various stimuli - a video produced as a cooperation project of Horses of Iceland, Landssamband hestamannafélaga and the Icelandic Transport Authority.  (In Icelandic with English subtitles)

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