Virtual Ride to Oirschot….

June 29 2023 | Leisure Riding

With only one full calendar month to go, the FEIF virtual ride ‘Over to Oirschot’ is reaching the final home stretch.

That also means the excitement about this year’s World Championships, 8-13th August in the Netherlands is beginning to heat up. The riders on the virtual ride are making their way there one patient step at a time. All year long they have added up their km ridden out in nature and calculated how far they could come on the (virtual) route from home to the venue of the WM. Depending on where home is, this can be over 7000 km to go. Those who cannot make the distance themselves join up in teams to add all their kms together.  To date the rider who has travelled longest has ridden 1956 km over the last 11 month, and the total distance ridden by all teams together is nearly 25.000 km, halfway round the globe…

But what really counts is the sense of doing this together, and the fun along the way! You want to join the next ride? Find more information here….