P3 – Pace Race 150m
P3-Pace Race 150m
This test is conducted in the same way as P1 – Pace Race 250m except as noted below.
Eligible horses
Combinations participating in this race are excluded from P1 at the same event.
Electronic Timekeeping
If the electronic timekeeping system cannot provide a time for the second-place horse in a sprint the table in the FEIF Rules and Regulations is used to calculate the time based on the first horse’s time and the distance between the two horses at the finish line.
Seven judges are needed.
A minimum of five judges is required at WorldRanking events. The other positions may be filled using pace assistants.
Pace assistants should be properly trained and approved by their national association:
- one judge stands at the starting line;
- judge two and three or one judge and a pace assistant stand at the 50 m mark on each side of the track;
- the fourth judge or pace assistant stands between the 50 m and 100 m marker;
- the fifth judge or pace assistant stands between the 100 m and 150 m marker;
- judge six and seven or one judge and a pace assistant stand at the finishing line on each side of the track.
When start boxes are used one extra judge or pace assistant is needed to supervise the starting procedure behind the starting line. The judges or pace assistants have coloured flags in the same colours as the riders. If elimination is necessary, the judge or pace assistant will show the relevant colour, if the horse’s run is OK, they will show a white flag.
As an alternative, judges or pace assistants may have a red and a green flag. On demand of the speaker, the judges placed from 50 m to 150 m line show green flags if the horse was in pace in their section. The judges show red flags if the horse was not in pace in their section. If at least one red flag is shown the run is considered not valid.
References in the text refer to the current version of the FEIF Rules and Regulations. Check the complete document for further details.