P1 – Pace Race 250m
P1-Pace Race 250m
This test is performed on the pace track, in two or more rounds.
Eligible horses
Combinations starting in this race are excluded from P3 at the same event.
Withdrawal from rounds
If a rider wants to withdraw from a round, they have to inform the secretariat within 10 minutes after the last heat of the previous round on the same day.
Withdrawal after this time limit will only be accepted if the horse or rider is declared unfit by a veterinary surgeon or a doctor; otherwise the combination is eliminated from the test in question.
Up to four horses proceed to the start. All riders are marked with distinct colours (blue and yellow, two more colours if needed). Any rider may have two helpers. Helpers should wear an approved helmet and no whips are allowed.
In case of disagreement in the first round, the rider marked blue takes the left lane (seen from behind the start line/boxes facing the end of the track), the rider marked yellow takes the right lane. In all further rounds this rule is valid for a starting group with no valid heat (no times) yet or starting groups having equal times.
For the following rounds (two to four) the rider in the fastest (last) position in a heat has to decide before the riders of that heat are called into the start boxes (or at the starting line) which box (or position) the rider prefers, with no right of change the moment the starting procedure has started.
If the start has not been declared after 10 minutes, the horse preventing the start from taking place must move back a few steps. If after a further 5 minutes the start has not been declared because of the same horse, the horse will be eliminated from that round. The track is clear and time-is-ready at the beginning of a round must be declared by the judge controlling the time. The ready-to-start must be declared by the judge supervising the starting procedure behind the starting line. At the starter’s signal, the riders ride to the 50 m marker in any gait they wish. From there to the finish the horse must be in racing pace. There will be two or four rounds all in all, but not more than two per day.
At the starting procedure one should be as quiet as possible. At the starting line the horse must stand quietly, straight and in the direction of the finish. Other starting positions can be allowed (e.g. horse standing diagonally), if the rider informs the other riders of his starting group and is allowed by the starter to do so. If a horse was obstructed at the start and could not start for this reason, the starter can allow it to start alone. This will not count as a false start. As soon as all horses are standing still and in the direction of the finish, the start can be signalled. The starter should stand on some sort of elevation about 3 m outside the track and one to two meters in front of the riders. They give a visual signal (two-coloured flag if possible). There is no acoustic (voice) signal.
- Flag raised: attention, start can be any time
- Flag lowered: go !
FEIF WorldRanking for P1: Click for complete results | ||
1 | Konráð Valur Sveinsson | 21.503 |
2 | Sigursteinn Sumarliðason | 21.680 |
3 | Ingibergur Árnason | 21.940 |
Video: Lutz Lesener
Start with start boxes or automated starting machines
When starting boxes or automated starting machines are used all riders are allowed 2.0 minutes to bring their horses into a start box; the start should be performed not later than 30 seconds after the last horse has entered its start box. If a rider doesn’t succeed within this time limit, they are eliminated from the specific round.
The front gate of the box shall be closed when riders bring their horses into a start box and all riders shall try to enter the box exactly at the same time. If a rider asks for an exception to keep the front gate open when entering the box, it shall be allowed; with the condition that the one that asks for this exception shall be the first to enter the box. The other rider can choose to wait but then must start entering immediately after the first horse is in the box and within the time limit. The same applies if the horse has to be walked with into the box. Before the start the front and rear gates have to be closed.
Helpers are not allowed to leave the ground or force the horse into the box; they have to have at least one foot on the ground, without exception. If the helpers don’t meet the requirements, the rider is eliminated from that round. Box assistants, in charge of opening and closing the box doors, are not allowed to help with loading the horses except for while closing the door.
One extra judge is allocated to supervise the starting procedure behind the starting line. There is no acoustic (voice) signal.
Starting order
Before the first round, lots are drawn in order to set the starting order. In all other rounds, those riders start together whose fastest finishing times in the previous round are nearest to one another. This means that the first heat will be composed of the up to then slowest horses, the second heat of the second slowest etc. If equal heats cannot be formed of equal numbers, the first heat always starts with fewer horses, if necessary, individually. If several horses are not rated, allocation of the horses to the heats will be decided by drawing lots.
Nine judges are needed.
A minimum of five judges is required at WorldRanking events. The other positions may be filled using pace assistants. Pace assistants should be properly trained and approved by their national association.
- one judge stands at the starting line;
- judge two and three or one judge and a pace assistant stand at the 50 m mark on each side of the track;
- the fourth judge or pace assistant stands between the 50 m and 100 m marker;
- the fifth judge or pace assistant stands between the 100 m and 150 m marker;
- the sixth judge or pace assistant stands between the 150 m and 200 m marker;
- the seventh judge or pace assistant stands between the 200 m and 250 m marker;
- judge eight and nine or one judge and a pace assistant stand at the finishing line on each side of the track.
When start boxes are used one extra judge or pace assistant is needed to supervise the starting procedure behind the starting line. The judges or pace assistants have coloured flags in the same colours as the riders. If elimination is necessary, the judge or pace assistant will show the relevant colour, if the horse’s run is OK, they will show a white flag. As an alternative, judges or pace assistants may have a red and a green flag. On demand of the speaker, the judges placed from 50 m to 250 m line show green flags if the horse was in pace in their section. The judges show red flags if the horse was not in pace in their section. If at least one red flag is shown the run is considered not valid.
Each rider must be clearly identifiable.
Active leg aids are allowed in the race. Any aids to urge the horse to go faster, which could distract the other riders taking part, are forbidden. If a rider obstructs other riders, the horse’s time will not count. Horses waiting for the next heat must stand at least 30 m behind the finishing line.
Upon request, the Chief Judge can allow a horse that has been distracted to have an extra start alone.
References in the text refer to the current version of the FEIF Rules and Regulations. Check the complete document for further details.