F1 – Five-gait

F1 – Five-Gait

This test is performed on the oval track with a minimum length of 250m.

Preliminary Round

Riders compete individually. The test can be ridden on either rein.

The rider has four and a half rounds at their disposal to show the following gaits in any order:


  1. slow to medium speed tölt
  2. slow to medium speed trot
  3. medium walk
  4. slow to medium speed canter
  5. racing pace

Each gait may be shown only once, walk for a half round and the other gaits for one round. The racing pace is shown on the long sides only. The marks for tölt and pace will be doubled.

Final Round

The finalists show the required sections as instructed by the speaker as described in S2.3.2. The order will be as follows:

  1. slow to medium speed tölt
  2. slow to medium speed trot
  3. medium walk
  4. slow to medium speed canter
  5. pace

The horses may show racing pace 3 times on one long side. The riders choose the long side by majority vote. In the event of a draw the vote of the preliminary round’s winner is doubled. If this does not break the tie, the decision is made by a coin toss. If the coin lands “head” up the riders show pace in the direction selected by the Chief Judge before the coin is tossed.

The marks for tölt and pace will be doubled.

FEIF WorldRanking for F1: Click for complete results
1Jón Stenild7.813
2Pierre Sandsten Hoyos7.800
3Lisa Schürger7.723

Video: https://lalendi.nl/events.html

Preliminary rounds with one rider on the track

  • The horse must enter the oval track and proceed directly to either one of the short sides. However, the horse must not pass beyond the end of the short side without beginning the test. Possibilities of entering and beginning the test with the entrance on the long or on the short side are shown on the drawing in S17.5
  • The rider must salute the judges visibly by nodding his head, thus indicating the beginning of the test.
  • The change between the sections should be at the middle of the short side. An exception is in pace, which is shown only on the long sides.
  • To have marks for any gait, the gait should be shown for the equivalent of the length of a long side. Walk must be shown for the equivalent of half of a long side.
  • Having finished the last section of the test, the rider must have brought his horse back to walk by the middle of the long side at the latest.
  • Exit via the gate of the oval track. The rider may circle the horse at the gate after the test is completed

References in the text refer to the current version of the FEIF Rules and Regulations. Check the complete document for further details.


  • The best five horses from the preliminary round qualify directly for the final round called the A-final.
  • If there are sufficient participants, the organiser can arrange a final round (6th – 10th place) called B-final. The winner of the B-final can take part in the A-final. If the winner decides not to take part in the A-final, no other can take this place.
  • The organiser can also arrange a further final round (11th – 15th place) called C-final. The winner of the C-final can take part in the B-final. If the winner decides not to take part in the B-final, no other can take this place.
  • In case where the number of horses directly qualified for a final exceeds the number of 5 due to equal placing and there are five judges, both the highest and lowest marks of the judges are taken into account for these horses. The average mark with two decimal places of all five judges will decide which horse will be qualified directly for that final. The other horse(s) will be qualified for the B-final (where this concerns the A-final) or C-final (where this concerns the B-final) if one is organized. In the case where the marks of all five judges do not separate the rankings of the horses in equal place the horses with equal marks qualify for the final in question
  • Organisers can allow the 6th position in A-finals, if no B-finals are organised.