
All documents are in English, unless otherwise stated.

FEIF Breeding Rules and Regulations 2024 (1,179 Kb)
Changes in Rules and Regulations 2024 - changes as per April 1, 2024 (1,179 Kb)
Annual Breeding meeting 2024 (1,179 Kb)
External links
FEI Equine Vaccination Requirements (1,179 Kb)
FEI Prohibited substances (FEI Clean Sport) (1,179 Kb)
WorldFengur Reports 2020-2022 (1,179 Kb)
BLUP in WorldFengur (1,179 Kb)
Body condition scores (1,179 Kb)
EU Regulations on Horse Registration and Identification (Sept. 2021) (1,179 Kb)
FEIF Code of Conduct for Breeding Officials (1,179 Kb)
Rules aimed to reduce the prevalence of bone spavin (1,179 Kb)
Select stallions - Virtual mate selection (1,179 Kb)
Approved information
Breeding shows 2024 - information booklet (1,179 Kb)
Regulation on the origin and breeding of the Icelandic horse (1,179 Kb)
Ringmaster information - measuring of horses (1,179 Kb)
Checklist for the organisation of FEIF breeding shows (1,179 Kb)
DNA Diagnostics and Procedures (1,179 Kb)
WorldFengur - at your service (1,179 Kb)
WorldFengur - instructions for beginners and advanced (1,179 Kb)
Breeding Assessment Form 2023 (Danish) (1,179 Kb)
Breeding Assessment Form 2023 (English) (1,179 Kb)
Breeding Assessment Form 2023 (German) (1,179 Kb)
Breeding Assessment Form 2023 (Icelandic) (1,179 Kb)
Breeding Assessment Form 2023 (Swedish) (1,179 Kb)
Linear assessment form foals and young horses 2023 (1,179 Kb)
Breeding show - World Championships 2023 (1,179 Kb)
Breeding ringmasters and their work - Inge Kringeland, April 2022 (1,179 Kb)
Development of the breeding goal (Þorvaldur Kristjánsson, 2020) (1,179 Kb)
GDPR, national databases and WF (Kim Middel) (1,179 Kb)
History of WorldFengur - 1991-2021 (Jón Baldur Lorange) (1,179 Kb)
Icelandic horse names (Kristín Halldórsdóttir) (1,179 Kb)