It is now 20 years that the global database for Icelandic horses – a cooperation project between the Icelandic Government and FEIF – was opened for public use. From the outset, this extensive database was developed to become the essential tool for breeders of the Icelandic horse and to be a key factor in achieving the breeding goal that was set internationally.
The process of registering the data on each horse has been a heavy demand on each of the subscribing FEIF member associations. Outside Iceland registering of horse data in WorldFengur is performed by voluntary enthusiasts. It takes time – but every new day means new horses and new information to WorldFengur.
Read more about how WorldFengur started in the FEIF member countries and dive into the history of this great and unique database!
How it started in …..Iceland
How it started in …..Austria
How it started in …..Canada
How it started in …..Denmark
How it started in …..Germany
How it started in …..The Netherlands
How it started in …..New Zealand
How it started in …..Norway
How it started in ….Slovenia
How it started in …. Switzerland
Do you know how WorldFengur started in other FEIF member countries? We are happy to hear it!