CPD Seminars

All Trainers/Instructors listed on the FEIF Trainer Matrix need to fulfil a regular, mandatory CPD system to keep the standard of quality,  to remain updated, to follow the main aims of horse training, instructions, teaching, horse welfare of FEIF, to follow the same rules and to ensure a comparable level. Every trainer/instructor is solely responsible for registration and the further training courses, which are usually held in the respective national language in the individual countries. The trainer/instructor is also responsible for clarifying the recognition with his own national, licence-issuing association. Requirements for accepted CPD (Continuous professional development) seminars are as follows:

  • Official seminar announced, organized and/or accepted as official CPD seminar by the national FEIF member association or FEIF Director of Education.
  • Minimum requirements: one 2-day seminar during the licence period (within 3 years) or a minimum of 16 seminar units á 45 minutes within 3 years to keep the trainer licence.
  • Required for all levels 1-4 on FEIF trainer Matrix.
  • National FEIF member associations are responsible for their trainers and their lists, expired licences have to be taken out of the trainers lists which are sent to the FEIF office for publication.

FEIF as well as several FEIF Member associations offer CPD-seminars, for further information contact the respective association directly.

FEIF Member Associations

Education seminar information


International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations

Contact: FEIF Director of Education/FEIF Office


Österreichischer Islandpferdeverband (ÖIV)

Contact: ÖIV Education Leader ÖIV Sekretariat


Dansk Islandshesteforening (DI)

Contact: DI Education Leader Dansk Islandshesteforening Office



Suomen Islanninhevosyhdistys (SIHY)

Contact: SIHY Education CommitteeSIHY contact

seminar 2024: https://www.islanninhevonen.net/uutiset/mette-mannseth-clinic-approaches-in/


Islandpferde-Reiter und Züchterverband e.V. (IPZV)

Contact: IPZV Education LeaderIPZV Bundesgeschäftsstelle


Landssamband Hestamannafélaga (LH)

Contact: LH Office


Islandpferde Vereinigung Schweiz (IPVCH)

Contact: IPVCH Education Leader / IPVCH Office