The 2022 FEIF Delegates’ Assembly took again place as a virtual meeting. 16 out of 21 FEIF member countries entitled to vote were present in this meeting.
The FEIF Board members provided an update on the planned projects and activities for 2022 in addition to the report that is available on the FEIF website.
Quite a long list of candidates and issues were up for voting during the Delegates’ Assembly, you can find the full text of each item in the invitation to the event. Jean-Paul Balz (Director of Sport), Silke Feuchthofen (Director of Education) and Inge Kringeland (Director of Breeding) were re-elected for a two-year period. Even Hedland from Norway and Will Covert from the US were elected as additional board members. In addition, Jens Iversen, DK, was re-elected as member of the Arbitration Council (for 3 years), Caroline van de Bunt, NL, as member of the disciplinary board (for 3 years) and the delegates confirmed the state authorized accountant for the current year.
At the occoasion of this event, the Trainer of the Year 2021 wasannounced – congratulations Camilla Hed, Sweden! As Lisa Kroon, NL, and Johannes Amplatz, IT, had to step down according to the statutes from the young committee member positions in sport and breeding, two new young committee members was presented to the delegates. Dóróthea Sigríður Unnsteinsdóttir from Iceland will join the FEIF Breeding Committee and Steinar Clausen Kolnes from Norway the Sport Committee.
If you want to flip through the presentation of the meeting or the complete proposals: click here , the results of the voting handled via an online voting tool that was specially developed for FEIF, can be found here.
All changes in the FEIF Rules and Regulations will be included in the respective documents, valid from April 1, 2022 on.