Riding Horse Profile
FEIF has developed a tool to help leisure riders find the best possible match when buying a new horse. The tool seeks to identify the traits a horse needs to create a safe, comfortable relationship and prevent the negative consequences of a poor match, which benefits both the buyer/rider and horse.
The FEIF Riding Horse Profile represents a neutral description and assessment of the character and behavior of a horse as well as the needs of the buyer/rider. The process recognizes each rider and horse are special with their own character and qualities. A horse which may be a completely wrong choice for one rider may be the perfect match for another.
The FEIF Riding Horse Profile does not give marks, but instead creates a neutral, descriptive snapshot of both the buyer/rider and horse in a specific moment.
Film and photos by Horses of Iceland, www.horsesoficeland.com

How to Use the Profile
The FEIF Riding Horse Profile consists of two forms which are completed by the buyer/rider in cooperation with professional trainers. The questions are designed to guide the buyer/rider and trainer toward the best possible match with a horse.
The buyer/rider completes the Riders Form describing the ideal riding horse. This process focuses the buyer/rider on the key traits and information his or her dream horse should have. In particular, there are questions relating to the desired behavior, general characteristics, willingness, education level, abilities and gaits. The first form is all about the buyer/rider —independent of any specific horse being considered. The information on this form can be compared to any horse as long as the answers are fairly recent and accurate.
The second part of the FEIF Riding Horse Profile, the Trainer Form, is completed in cooperation with a professional trainer and is focused on a particular horse. The trainer records observations about the horse made from the ground and when riding the horse. The trainer observes the horse in being prepared to ride, being mounted, being ridden indoors and out, and in as many unusual situations as possible.
The list of unusual situations includes encounters with dogs, bicycles, other horses, cars, etc. The more of these situations which can be observed the better. When riding out, the trainer might observe the horse’s reaction to approaching and passing a group of horses.

Please Note
The FEIF Riding Horse Profile was developed from material from several FEIF member countries in cooperation with educational institutions in Iceland. It is important to stress the FEIF Riding Horse Profile gives a snapshot of horse and rider at a specific moment. There is no guarantee the results are reproducible over time, with different riders, or with different circumstances.

Possible Uses of the FEIF Riding Horse Profile
- A trainer defining focus areas together with a student by using the “Riders Form”.
- A seller may ask a trainer to prepare a “Trainers Form” to get a professional, neutral description of the horse.
- A stallion owner may ask a trainer to prepare a “Trainers Form” to get a professional, neutral description of the stallion to be shared with persons interested in using the stallion for stud service.
- A buyer may ask for a “Trainers Form” to get a neutral description of a horse before making a purchase.
- Buyers of horses are strongly encouraged to use the “Riders Form” to focus their search for their dream horses.