Impressions from the World Championships 2023

August 5 2023 | World Championships

Meanwhile all teams and almost 200 horses arrived in Oirschot and everywhere are still busy volunteers and helpers working to prepare the site for the official start of the World Championships next week!

Teams are now training on the competition tracks but also on the training track, the tribunes are ready to welcome lots of visitors, the big screen has already been set up and there are a lot of preparation activities going on. Until Sunday, all riders and their horses have the option to participate in the weight study (see also weight study) and we are very happy that many riders and partly full teams already showed up and contributed to this important study.

On Monday August 7, 12:00 the grounds open for visitors who can watch the training, and on August 8, the World Championships will start with the Breeding Assessments. The final time schedule and the preliminary starting lists for the sport tests will be published on Tuesday, after the entry of the final teams. A preliminary time schedule is available here. You still need a ticket for the World Championships or you want to watch the live stream? no problem, just go to …