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Virtual Education seminar – LH

9 January, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Education Committee of LH in Iceland together with Horses of Iceland,is organizing a 2nd virtual Conference in January 2024 in English with the main theme of “Social Licence to Operate”. This phrase is important to all us horse people as the pressure grows from different directions on how and if people can use animals for their pleasure. As our horses are also rather small we in the Icelandic Horse world might feel even more certain aspects of this discussion for instance towards weight of rider vs horse and more. But what knowledge is there so far about our impact on horses or their impact on us? In this virtual conference we will learn about how the science can help us better understand these questions and simply be of aid in the whole dialogue. We will have fantastic lecturers that have been working for a long time in various aspect of equine science but also end the conference with a very interesting panel discussion.

 The conference will be held over 5 evenings in January 2024, with one lecturer at the time the first 4 evenings followed by the fifth evening where we´ll have conclusions and panel discussion with representatives from various fields of our horse world. These prosfessionals will all be presented in the next few weeks – so keep your eyes open and mark the days!  

Schedule, 5 evenings from 19:00 GMT: 

January 9:    Michael Weishaupt professor at UZH – Social Licence to Operate and what role science can play.
January 11:  Marie Rhodin, associate professor at SLU – Research in aspects of health analysis of our horses, including revolutionary lameness detection.
January 16:  Guðrún Stefánsdóttir, docent at Hólaskóli University – Previous and ongoing studies of the effect of riders weight on horses performance.
January 18:  Sveinn Ragnarsson, professor at Hólaskóli University – Discussions about horse and human communication, mutual influence and studies in that field with SLO in the core.
January 23:  Panel discussion with professionals from various fields within the Icelandic horse world.

Price is €85

Click here to register:  https://www.lhhestar.is/is/moya/formbuilder/index/index/virtual-education-seminar-1


9 January, 2024
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Event Category:


Education Committee of LH


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