European Horse Network

October 22 2019 | EHN

The European Horse Network had the first meeting in Brussels with the newly started horse group and a special guest, the president elect of the European Commission, Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen. Her speech concentrated on connecting horses to a sustainable future and as a companion for many people. For EHN this is a major step forward, as one of the main issues is getting horses on the political agenda and away from being consumer goods. Other topics focussed on the place of horses in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP 2025), equine welfare and coordination of innovation and research in the EU. Brexit was an important issue as well, also in respect to horse welfare as long queues are expected at borders for inspections of animal transports.
The annual meeting concentrated on the EHN Manifesto ( and items to focus on the next year. Among them a project between EHN and a French horse institute on Green Assets of horses in relation to CAP 2025: to strengthen the position of the ‘horse industry’ and other horse related parties in areas (horses in the landscape (grazing) as alternative for other livestock that has to be reduced, horses as a social and behavioural companion, horses as part of training of disabled people etc.).