The FEIF Delegates Assembly 2025 will take place by Zoom on January 28, 2025. The voting will be managed using the on-line voting tool according to the following instructions.
- Open this page on your mobile device or laptop at the start of the DA.
- Enter your code and press “save control number” (Attention: the Code will be sent to the registered delegates by January 24, 2025. Please contact by Monday, January 27 the latest, if you do not receive the code.)
- The meeting leader will announce when each candidate or proposal is ready for voting. This is the moment you can vote on the respective item.
- The item will remain open until the leader announces the voting is closed.
- You will immediately be able to see the results of the voting and the meeting leader will announce the result before moving on to the next item on the agenda.
- The voting is all by “secret ballot”.
- It is not possible to make any changes to your vote after the voting is closed for each item.
If you have any problems or questions before the meeting, contact the FEIF Office by email (
Here are the results of the voting during the FEIF Delegates Assembly meeting.
The “No Response” in the results indicates the number of votes which were not cast. New Zealand was only permitted to vote on the budget item after the Delegates approved their full membership. One country only joined the meeting during the voting, one country did not manage to cast a vote for President before the item was closed.
20 unique responders answered this survey.
Election -- FEIF President
Gundula Sharman | 51 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 3 |
Election -- FEIF Director of Leisure Riding
Johan Andersson | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Election -- FEIF Director of Sport
Will Covert | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Election -- FEIF Director of Youth Work
Catherine Mynn | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Election -- Arbitration Council
Jens Iversen (Denmark) | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Election -- Disciplinary Board
Caroline van de Bunt (Netherlands) | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Confirmation of State Authorized Accountant
Lárus Finnbogasson, Endurskoðun BT ehf., Iceland | 52 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
Chapter 3 -- Membership
Yes | 51 |
No | 1 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 2 |
B4.5 Ringmaster
Yes | 52 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 1 |
*No Response* | 1 |
G7.3.2 Participating horses in sport events
Yes | 51 |
No | 2 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
S1.6.3.2 Loss of a shoe
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
G8 Tack
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
G8.4. Additional Equipment
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
S1.6.3.1 Incorrect shoeing
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
S2.3.2 Finals and preliminary rounds with more than one horse on the track
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
S1.7 Withdrawals
Yes | 47 |
No | 6 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
Application to become a member of FEIF
Yes | 53 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 1 |
FEIF Budget
Yes | 54 |
No | 0 |
Abstain | 0 |
*No Response* | 0 |