The national Sport Leaders agreed to another two years for Hulda Gustafsdóttir and Markus Karrer as member of the Sport Committee. The main topic in the annual Sport Leader meeting was the proposal on the description of the colored cards used by judges sport competitions and the disciplinary measures in the rules and regulations (R&R). Right now there is no proper description of cards and the disciplinary measures are spread over the general and sport section of the R&R. The aim is to have it more clear and to add consequences on getting cards also in pace disciplines. Also new is the proposal to register cards given to a rider during a calendar year. If a threshold is reached the rider is suspended for a certain period of time. The proposal needs to be finetuned further and will be discussed again in a virtual meeting with the national Sport Leaders before it is send to the Delegates Assembly next year. Furthermore the national sport leaders talked about the use of hoof boots in sport competitions. Mike Weishaupt gave interesting scientific information on this topic. Other topics concerned a.o. a reduced time to enter the starting boxes, setting the width of the end of the funnel used in pace test, the way Iceland appoints judges for competitions instead of organisers choosing them and adding a microchip check to the equipment check in WR events. It was a good meeting!
Annual Sport meeting 2025